KeithSG (2873184)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (10 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Modern Blocks
Published May 2, 2011
About Me
This account's mainly used by Melissa and Marcus to upload their work to share with you guys so kudos to them. Do enjoy our crazy concoctions that we're gonna bring to you.
My Guestbook Show All
skittlesforbreakfastJan 30, 2013
i love the Kelly Bailey sim u made!! u should totally make a Simon and Nathan too
Cerulean TalonMay 27, 2011
G'day, Keith , Thank you so much for leaving such a nice
comment on my Keeping it Modern house. It was REALLY appreciated! Smiles & hugs, Ceri
simsjeanieMar 21, 2011
Dear Melissa and Marcus, thank you so much for your lovely comment about the cottages! I loved to read it, it made my happy! Have a great start into the new week and happy building! Hugs from Jeanie.