KussSam (622266)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (25 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

*undies for girls-bear pink*
Published Sep 10, 2004
About Me
I love fantasy!!!!
that's why I created the *Samaeth*. They look best with green (sometimes also blue) eyes and elf ears (last but one face in the bs).....................
I hope you will like them as I do...................
also download my dessous for women and all the rest of my stuff!!! I put much time into them....................
[to see them in 3D in your bodyshop you need a modern graphics card]................................
to all: I would like to have an email pal from anywhere all over the world....................
if you would like to write to me, please tell me in a pm... *smile*
p.s.: "Kuss" is the german word for a "kiss" in english
My Guestbook Show All
simsfawn200Aug 29, 2008
I really like your work
Kittu_PalieApr 26, 2008
Thanks for the elven stuff, I made out like a bandit just on your page alone
quinmalkiqApr 19, 2005
Very nice work thankyou.