LadyFirelyght (653041)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (8 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Steppin' Up
Published Jun 22, 2009
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (111 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Red Paint
Published Nov 5, 2005
My Latest Community Uploads
About Me
I'm a 25-year old high school grad, originally from a little town in New York called Wellsville. I've traveled the US, visiting more than 30 of our 50 states.
My childhood best friend introduced me to the Sims, and I've been addicted ever since she let me play it on her computer back in 2002. Early 2005, I started making things for Sims2, beginning with walls and floors (not my strong point) and moving up to clothing, objects, hair, and I'm also interested in making lots.
I don't make anything very often but that doesn't mean I never will.
My Guestbook Show All
Mistress UselessFeb 22, 2007
Thanks for the lovely clothes!
ShylariaAug 27, 2005
Hi! I wanted to tell you how much I like your work. Its very creative and very original. You're so talented! Im pretty new at playing and creating for the Sims 2, so Iv started with just making come commercial lots to enhance Pleasantview. If its ok, I just wanted to ask if there is any way to access all the objects in the game from the Community Lot creation... like book cases, the big screen tv, beds, ect. My email is This Sim 2 newbie would be so greatful for your help! Thanks so much.
Keep up the good work! Laura
Little SeerFeb 17, 2005
The Monotone Kitchen Set, my fav!