Lady Dane (3074202)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (46 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Lady DaneS Ravenclaw Skirt V1
Published Jul 22, 2010
About Me
Have being playing Sims from when making magic came out, it was fun then and it is still fun. but i have never try too make my own stuff. but here in sims3 it could be fun too try, so i started out with some painting. I use pse8 and TSR workshop.
and now when the vampire are here i will try to make some painthings from clans and mabe some tattos.
enjoy my things.
My Guestbook Show All
PralinesimsDec 04, 2012
Thank you!!!!
darkfairyOct 14, 2011
Thank you very much for your comment lady!!!
labrams1228aMar 01, 2011
HI! And thank you so very much for creating items based on Vampire the Masquerade. It's a wonderful rpg to play and though White Wolf let it go a few years back and replaced it with Vampire the Requiem, I still have the fondest memories of the game and actually still play, having several characters from each of the clans. I was wondering, though, if you are also going to create items based on Werewolf the Apocalypse? That was a wonderful sister game to VtM and I would love to see items from there, too. Again, thank you so much for your creations. They are wonderful.