Lillywolf12 (7516726)
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ekinegeMar 05, 2018
Hi! You can use my skin tone while creating new sim on the CAS. If you want to use it on a sim that exists in your game; To use cheats in game press Ctrl+Shift+C while the game is running.
This will open a small window, where you'll be able to enter your cheats.
You can type testingcheats on and press enter (If this does not work try typing testingcheats true).
Then type cas.fulleditmode and press enter.
Control + Shift + C to toggle the console off in your game.
Click on your Sim by shift key. And select Modify in CAS. You can find it in Skin Detail. Now you can change the skin of your sim.
mikerashiFeb 18, 2018