LilyoftheValleyICE's Guestbook

dgandyDec 31, 2006

\:\) Hi LilyoftheValleyICE. Thank you for your nice comment on my cotton blouses. I appreciate you! Debra\:\)

clcny20Dec 31, 2006

Thank you for your comment on my heart topped long-skirted nightgown for toddler girls! I appreciate your taking the time to leave me a message, and you downloading! I wish you a happy healthy and safe new year! \:\)

minicartDec 31, 2006

Hi Lisa! Thank you so much for your comment on my Christmas Sparkle for Todders collection - it's very much appreciated and I'm glad you liked them! Happy Simming and a Happy New Year! Julie \:wub\:

VlanaDec 31, 2006

Hello Lisa ! Thank you so much for your sweet comment on my story ! As you know, it's always a pleasure to read people's comments. I whish you a very happy new year ! \:wub\:

lexiqueDec 15, 2006

hey LOTVI, we havent spoken in ages, and you havent been on TSR in so long. btw, i hav made 2 stories, on is called when love dies, i hav made 4 parts to it so far, 3 r published. pls could u read them, as ii no u r a gud critic, and cud u read my story, the truth hidden beneath. would really appreiciate it. so how u been, wat u been up2 etc etc.. reply back asap!!! talk soon, lexique xx

Buckeye428Dec 14, 2006

Thanks for the comments, I wish you would write something new as well. It seems like everyone is pretty busy these days.

SunairDec 8, 2006

Thank you so much for those lovely comments\:\)

LaLunaRossa72Nov 9, 2006

Thanks for your comment LilyoftheValleyICE. That piece belong to my early beginnings when I was still learning... well, I am glad that it worth something \:\)

VlanaNov 8, 2006

Thank you for your comment on my story. I will upload the chapter 2 soon. I hope you'll like it too ! \:\)

Simlover4evaNov 7, 2006

Hi I'm bored so... hi. lol write me back if u get the chance

Jasmine206Oct 30, 2006

Hey Lisa! Pets is here! Yay! Finally! Its made me a bit crazy because I keep on making more pets than sims in all my sim families. Not like 7 dogs or cats and 1 sim, but I mean using a certain cheat that alows you to have up to thirty sims in one household, I keep on making about 18 pets and 2 sims! lol. I have to find a cure for this strange obsession. x] \;\)

Simlover4evaOct 23, 2006

Do u still go on this site anymore bc it dose not seem like it lol\;\)

Simlover4evaOct 13, 2006

Hey I know alot of ppl have been buggin u about when u are going to write ur stories and i was wondering to. Plz reply in my GB thx katie

sandybvvOct 10, 2006

hi there, thank you for reading my story **The Cassandra Goth Story** i really appreciate your comments...have a nice day.. sandra

filizkOct 10, 2006

Hi Lisa, I wanted to thank you for your nice comment on my story. The killer was rather obvious I guess, but I tried to make it a little interesting with the screenshots and storyline. I am so glad you enjoyed reading it.

Anna^-^Oct 8, 2006

I'm sorry, but I've only bugged you a few times. I don't harrass you every single moment I can. All I'm saying is that some of the comments you make distract others from the story itself. You can make all the comments you want I won't care, but plz, just don't make comments so annoying that make others a little annoyed. Maybe I'm just over reacting, and I'm sorry if I am, but that's all I'm saying, so I'm just trying to be nice in a critisizing way, and maybe u were trying to do that. I'll leave you alone now, and I'll tell my friend to do the same thing.

TuesdaiOct 8, 2006

Lisa Koroin kept on sneaking and writing mean coments he is my little brother and I'd never write anything bad for anyone, So that means I never wrote those mean things to you. I'm gonna get him. I'm a very gentle person and a nice and smart person. So when ever you see bad coments it's from my brother Koroin. So please don't report me, cause it's not my fult. Just deilet them.\;\)

Angel275Oct 7, 2006

You don’t know how delighted I am to see that you liked my story “The Orchid Seduction”. This story, The Orchid Seduction, is the second story that I have made, and believe me I worked for so many sleepless nights on the story itself. When I decided to make this story, I wanted to make something better and something very different here, something not yet seen on TSR. The story is a film noir, a genre not commonly seen here on TSR, and the black and white setting of the story itself. I believe that this is the first story here on TSR that is black and white. And as a conclusion, hope you liked the story and thanks for the comment again!

Simlover4evaOct 7, 2006

Hi do u have anything interesting to tell me bc I'm really bored and need something to do. well anyways hows school, everybody favorite thing to do *cough cough*. Also how are u plz right back i need SOMETHING to do lol

Simlover4evaOct 4, 2006

lol boy that gives me something to look forward to at high school lol jk

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