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Jaws3Jan 16, 2009

You start up sims again, and enter the neighbourhood that your chosen lot is in, and you click on it once, so thelittle white thing pops up, you know what I mean, with the price....Take not of the price.\:\) There's a blue asterisk sign in the corner, like the CC symbol. Its th 'package lot' button. You've probably clicked on it once before by accident, or maybe exploring when you first got the game...\;\) A little blue box will come up, and it asks you if you want to package the lot to, or whether you want to package it to file. Package it to file! \:cool\: Then it should tell you that it has been sent to the packaged lots folder in the sims 2 folder. It's right above projects, I'm sure you've seen that one too...\:DThen youy should have your packaged file, andyour two preview pictures, ready to upload. \:\)Its the same with all types of lots: residential, community, business, hotel, rental home, apartment, blah, blah. lol!\:D \;\) Once your done, get your internet up and go to the submissions section of TSR. You agree to the dis-claimer and everything, then you select 'residential, comunity, etc, lot' and scroll right down to the bootom and you have to 'select primary category'. WHich basically means, telling TSR what it is that you're uploading. So for a house, you'd pick residential, yeah?\;\)Then you enter the price, whether its furnised or decorated, how many bathrooms, bedrooms and stories it has and click 'continue (I hope this isn't too much to take in all at once). Then on the next page, you type in the name, the description, notes -eg, please do not re-upload- credit to (CC) and then it has keywords, which you don't really need to do... then on the next page \:D you tick the expansion and stuff packs that you used. And on the next page, you tick the box that says 'browse for files on my computer' . Pretty simple so far? It is once you get used to it, the first time is frustrating.\;\)After that you have three little boxes. The first says: ' browse for file'. the second says: 'browse for preview image'. And the last one says: 'browse for preview 2'. \:\) I think it's pretty obvious what to do there. You just find the files (and make sure you didn't get them mixed up!) and press continue. After that it shows you the preview of it, so you can see if you made any mistakes. It has two little bue links at the top corner of thet page. One says ' edit it!' , the other says 'submit it! '. After you press submit, it comes up in your 'pending box'. \:P In my experiance, it usually takes them 24 hours, sometimes less, to approve a lot and always two days to publish it.\:D Now you know EVERYTHING there is to know about submitting lots. It's pretty easy, but I don't know what submitting other stuff is like, so I can't really compare...\;\)

Jaws3Jan 16, 2009

Sure!\:D Now, have you made one that you want  to upload? First thing's frist: You need to build it, take some pictures and make a preview.\:\)... have you done that already?

WarrayfinsonJan 16, 2009

Basically it means you have to change it from what it is now (So it is really straight now) to some other hair type (so things like wavy or curly hair) Sorry, I can't help you wiht that. But you should learn from this, you must always check the creator guidelines before creating something with their hairs.

WarrayfinsonJan 15, 2009

The mesh link goes with the submissions area. And as for the wizard that should come with the program.

Jaws3Jan 15, 2009

No, we're too far inland...\:\( We don't have to travel far, thouhg. The nearest one is only half an hour away.\:\) My family and I don't like the beaches around here. There's too many tourists.\;\) We usually go to Fraser Island once or twice a year.\:cool\:

Jaws3Jan 15, 2009

Nice Banner... \:\)I'm going to change the joke on mine every month.\;\)The oold one was much easier to use, I agree. I've been making beads with my sister all morning. She's a jewellery designer, and sometimes uses polamer clay to make her own beads. \:\)It was fun, but my beads look REALLY funny!\:D

WarrayfinsonJan 14, 2009

Yep, looks good! You should have a wizard guide to help you with the zip, do you have one or not?

Jaws3Jan 14, 2009

Not the apartment, but the other fancy lot is up. I thought you saw it already, though. I figured out how a blog works, so I think I'll put some pics up on that.\:\)Whind Whirl... that's catchy!

WarrayfinsonJan 14, 2009

I don't know about lots, never tried it. \:rolleyes:

WarrayfinsonJan 14, 2009

I don't know about lots, never tried it. \:rolleyes:

Jaws3Jan 14, 2009

Congratulations! You just posted the 600th comment in my Guest Book! lol.\:\) Did you try re-formatting the banner image as a gif before uploading it? I couldn't get a jpeg to work, so i changed it. It might work for you too... \;\) I haven't checked out club penguin yet, but I doubt my parents would let me join another site. They're etremely protective when it comes to the internet. But there are a lot of nasty things that happen, so you can't really blame them... \:\)What are you going to call your new set?

Jaws3Jan 14, 2009

Sounds good! \:\)Are there ny whacy colours? Like a bright green, or pink!\:D \;\) I think I got my baner working. Can you see it?

Jaws3Jan 14, 2009

Sounds good! \:\) What have you been working on? Clothes? I tried creating stuff once. It didn't look too bad. Only I lost those files.\:\( I think I'll stick to buildings! lol!\;\) I submitted the one in that screen-shot. My dad convinced me to re-name it. It's called 'The Chateau' now. Someone even said they want me to tell them when its published! I'm so excited!\:D

Jaws3Jan 14, 2009

Well, hello to both of you!\;\)How are your stories coming along?

andi and grimJan 13, 2009

Its not when you live here. lol

WarrayfinsonJan 13, 2009

Sorry, I have been really busy these days, you know trying to get the story out and well, other things....

Jaws3Jan 13, 2009

I take it you saw the screenie then?\;\)

Jaws3Jan 13, 2009

Aww, thank you! \:wub\:  Comments like that really make my day!!\:D I think you should up-load stuff. Hair and clothing, especially, get a heap of downloads. \;\)You'd be a shoe-inn! (I'm not sure how that's spelt)...\:\) You should put up a screen-shot or two with your stuff in it. I'd LOVE to see what you've been up to!\:D

Jaws3Jan 13, 2009

You're welcome... for the katelys reference, I mean. \:\) Glad to help!:PI don't know where the screenshot disappeared to... I think I'll try uploading it again. It came out a little blurry, and the screenie really doesn't do the lot any justice, but it looks OK. \:\)I'm working on a REALLY nice apartment lot at the moment, and I'm almost finished the architectural part... Whee!\;\)I van't waitr to see it finished! lol!

Jaws3Jan 13, 2009

Katelys has a set of adult female victorian clothes. \:\) Is that the kind of thing you're looking for? Are are you going for the whole puffy skirts thing?\;\)

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