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Livdude's Guestbook

Jaws3Jan 13, 2009

Hehe, great to hear you're free!\:\)I've never had braces, but I can imagine. (They pulled half my teeth out instead, to make more room. But braces hang around for a while... \;\)) I can look for some clothes. I saw them somewhere. I just have to remember where. .... I have plenty of time on my hands. I'm working on a new neighbourhood right now. I might make a story in it, I don't know. I got a bit of building frustration! \:D it happens a lot! I uploaded a screenie of one of my newest lots yesterday, but I don't know if it worked. If it did, I'll give you the link and you have to tell me what you think!!!\:\)I'll be back soon, just looking for some old-fashioned clothes!

andi and grimJan 13, 2009

I'm not a Ozzy but thanks! \:D Nice to get a complement, I'm from the UK. LOL! \:rah\:

Jaws3Jan 12, 2009

Suiryuue has some amazing still life horses. There's running ones and grazing ones and all that...\:\)I'm waiting for a reply from someone who has a horse and carriage in a story they wrote, so as soon as I find out, I'll let you know where that came from.\;\)Club Penguin, huh? I might check it out. I can't garuntee anything, but I can do some research! lol!

Jaws3Jan 12, 2009

A club penguin?\:confused\: And if you're still looking, theres Cashcraft, pheoix phaerie, chrissy6930, drewsoltesz and MsBarrows...\:\) I have to go now. My Oma wants to go in the pool. \;\) Can't wait to read this story!

Jaws3Jan 12, 2009

You could try estatica... I know she's done an old-fashioned victorian story or two. \:\)There was someone who wrote a story about a family that spanned two centuries or something like that (I never really read it). You could always try and track them down and ask where they got stuff from... I hope I'm helping! lol!\;\)I'm quite bored right now, so I might track some things down for you...\:D  Whatever happened to the TSR themes? There was a victorian one. That might have some old-fashioned stuff! I'll have a look for you.

Jaws3Jan 12, 2009

I like the sound of this twist...sounds interesting! \:\) I'm like that with my friends too. I'm the 'go to' for sims at my school. There's one girl inparticular, I'd say sims is the reason why we're friends in the first place! lol!\:D I spend a lot of time talking to people about sims, whether it's how I build, what cheats I use or where to go on TSR (though now I'm not too great on that last one \;\)).  It's nice to have people listen to you, but it's even nicer to see their creations. In fact, I'm waiting to hear from tillybird. She wants me to show her how to upload... \:\)  I would like to write a romace story. I thik I'd call it "All's fair in love and War". What do you think?

Jaws3Jan 11, 2009

I haven't tried uploading anything since they updated. It might be the same for creations... I don't know.\:\)I have tried to make stories before, it just didn't really work out. I'd get bored before I finished. But now I think I might try somthing. I just have to figure out what! lol!\;\)So what's your new story about, ayway?

Jaws3Jan 11, 2009

I haven't tried uploading anything since they updated. It might be the same for creations... I don't know.\:\)I have tried to make stories before, it just didn't really work out. I'd get bored before I finished. But now I think I might try somthing. I just have to figure out what! lol!\;\)So what's your new story about, ayway?

Jaws3Jan 11, 2009

Did Warrayfinson send you the URL for version 6? It still works on my computer, and it still updates. You could try uploading it on the old version... no harm in trying!\:\)

WarrayfinsonJan 11, 2009

I know what you mean\:\(. Ah well, I'm, for some reason, really excited about the coast this year YAY! Hva eoyu finished Twilight yet? If your really bored with it, I can take the book back if you want. I don't mind if you haven't finished, or even started it.  

WarrayfinsonJan 11, 2009

That's the thing I hate most about the new site \:mad\:, the way you have to upload your stories is complicated. Here:

WarrayfinsonJan 10, 2009

Oh, and I think 940 is legnth yes, not too sure, bye!\:D \:\) \;\)

WarrayfinsonJan 10, 2009

Hiya! Well, I have a link that might be able to help you with recolouring clothing and stuff. Here you go:

Jaws3Jan 10, 2009

Yes. I changed my avatar!

Jaws3Jan 10, 2009

No, not yet. I'll go talk to her.\:\)How do you change your avatar on this version?  

crystal_89Jan 10, 2009

Hey Livdude! I haven't spoken to you in so long. How are you? Did you have a good christmas? Im having my last christmas party today, like 16 days after christmas. We're having a bbq, no more roasts, we had like 4 types of meat going by the end of the second party. So yeah! The banner, you need to have it a certain size which is 940x150 pixels what program do you use? So all you really need to do is make it bigger. Is there like a tool that lets you enlarge pictures? If you get it to the right size it should upload. Let me know if this works. If I don't reply quickly its because im going away and might not be able to get to the computer. Crystal \:D

Jaws3Jan 9, 2009

There's my new Town House apartments... They're totally play-able and fully tested. They only need NL, OFB ad AL.  Did you have plenty of holiday fun? Oh, before I forget, HAPPY NEW YEAR! Even though its nine days lete...\:ooops

WarrayfinsonJan 8, 2009

Well, it looks like it has done an unpdate, you know, trying to make it more modern and stuff like that \:puke\:. I think it's okay, but it makes the story section look as though it has disappeared. If you want to use the old version go here:

WarrayfinsonJan 7, 2009

Brace is doing okay, it's just tight but not painful. I have a writing book too, I use it all the time, they come in handy ever now and then.\:D \:\)

AlyoshaDec 27, 2008

Hey there! Before everything else, A Belated Merry Christmas to you and your family! And also, a Happy New Year! \:rah\: I just dropped by to thank you for the lovely comments that you left for my creations! \;\) It means a lot to me because it inspires me to keep on creating! \:D Hope you like my upcoming stuff too! Thanks again! \:rah\: ~Alyosha \:\)

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