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Livdude's Guestbook

WarrayfinsonDec 25, 2008

Well, as you know, I'M BACK! A nd I know I wished you a Merry Christmas, but hey why not, may you have a safe, happy and merry christmas!\:D

Jaws3Dec 24, 2008

I have no idea... \:\( I tried flicking through the comments of a few of her stories, but I didn't have much time, so didn't really check well... \:\( I'm really disappointed in whoever did it. It's just horrible! Some people re just mean!\:mad\:

LianaaDec 23, 2008

I hope you enjoy all the magic and happy times during the Holidays! Thank you for downloading from my minisite! Hugs!\:wub\: Liana

DOTDec 23, 2008

.:¨:.~Happy Holidays to you and yours! ~.:¨:.~ Wishing Peace And Chocolate For The World!~.:¨:.

drewsolteszDec 21, 2008

Hi and thanks for reading and commenting on "Jeffrey's Choice" it is appreciated! Have a new story out, "The Horsemaster" would love it if you read and commented, Happy Holidays~~\:cool\: \:\)

NeptuneSuzyDec 20, 2008

Hi! Thanks for the nice comments you left on my hair, I really appreciate it! ~*~*~ Merry Christmas to you and yours! And may you have a Happy New Year filled with Peace! ~*~*~ Sue \:\)

WarrayfinsonDec 20, 2008

Yo did awesomely good. Is that even a word?\:confused\: Don't worry about the maths, it takes time and besides Maths is a pretty hard subject to understand, what with the algebra and fractorizing. Hey, at least you got three A's in the top subjects! That's something to be proud of.

WarrayfinsonDec 19, 2008

Sadly the movie was a little disappointing, the director took huge chuncks out of the book\:eek\:\:mad\:. As for report, I got 2 A's, English and Maths, 1 B, Art, and the rest were C's.\:D

WarrayfinsonDec 17, 2008

Or course I'm gonna swim!\:D They say it'll be good for my spine if I did swim, I just have to take the brace off to do it. \:\) \:D

WarrayfinsonDec 16, 2008

Thans for commenting! That's the thing, I can't swim in it. I don't know why but I'm just not aloud to\:puke\:. All I do is take the brace off before I go swimming. \;\) \:D

WarrayfinsonDec 15, 2008

Probably not \:\(. I have to go to Pysho for my back.\:puke\:

WarrayfinsonDec 15, 2008

Meh, painful I guess. Extremly TIGHT! It's a good thing I get to take it of in a few minutes.\:D \:\)

Jaws3Dec 14, 2008

Jaws has always been a nickname for me... I don't know where the 3 came from though. Just a spur of the moment thing, considering my lucky number is actually 13... \;\) \:D \:P \:cool\: \:\)

WarrayfinsonDec 14, 2008

Hope you have a good time.\:\)

WarrayfinsonDec 13, 2008

That's great to know. You need friends that respect you and listen to you. Must be boring with Gran 'n' Marg babysitting you.\:rolleyes:

Jaws3Dec 13, 2008

I know!\:D From the deep, dark depths (whoo, lots of alliteration!) of Sydney! lol\;\) Your b'day soon? I was reading Warray's Gb. I know I shouldn't have... but do you forgive me?\:P Happy Birthday anyway!\:\) Have lots of fun, promise?

WarrayfinsonDec 13, 2008

What makes yothink that? Your friends are pretty good too you know.\:\)

WarrayfinsonDec 13, 2008

CONGRATS TO U!\:D\;\) Yeah, the brace is on me, I have to wear it for an hour today, then 2 hours the next day, then 3 until I can used to having it on for 20 hours a day! \:eek\:

WarrayfinsonDec 13, 2008

Sorry, ee I was too lazt to redo my account of the story so I just copy and paste the response I did for another friend. I didn't here about that guy though! \:confused\: \;\)

WarrayfinsonDec 12, 2008

I GOT A WHAT?!\:eek\: I can't believe it, why didn't anyone tell me?! Anyway, calm down *inserts real name here*, calm down :P. As for the brace, well it's a long story but here it goes. Okay trip up to Sydney was so boring, I feel asleep at the start because we (we being me and my dad) had to wake up at 6:30 am. \:eek\: When we got there my dad took me through a bit of his history here and went to some places he use to go. (He grew up in Sydney then moved to Canberra.) Then we had something to eat and then went to the hospital. Doc did all the fittings and measurments. Had to do a couple of tests, like sitting down, laying down, eatting etc. Then I asked him about the talcom powder and what tp wear under it that you recommened. He said no talcom powder - I didn't ask why \:rolleyes: -and he said yeah you do have to wear something under it. He also said you were a smart friend for thinking that!\:D The brace wasn't as tight as I thought it would be. The only part that digs into me is the left part, which really digs inot my left armpit even feels like it is cutting of circulation \:eek\:. My dad asked him about why the left part was higher then the other. He said it was to help straighten me out. It's that part that is goign to keep me straight.The only problem my dad had with it was he thinks it makes me look flattering \:confused\:. Going back the bus was late by 1 hour, my dad got pretty pissed off about it. \:mad\: Who wouldn't - except maybe me - get pissed off standing at a coach stop waiting while heavy rain is pouring down? So when the coach got there, I feel asleep yet again, even while National Treasure 2 was on. And now here I am WITHOUT the brace on. When my parents get home they have to put it on for me.

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