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Llyriel's Guestbook

puppeJan 3, 2010

Hi,Llyriel!Nice to meet you!I love your wonderful items.Thank you so much<3And I also love "White Blouse & Jeans Corset"!That's SOOOOO WONDERFUL!!!I search a corset like that! And I wanna see that corset in RED color!Pleeeease make red corset version<3

irokyoursoksAug 22, 2008

i was just wondering when r u gonna make another celebrity chef episode????

chardonnayonedgeOct 18, 2007

Hello Stranger...Just thought I'd pop in and let you know I have been thinking about you. Looks like you have been busy.... Me I have been too, and no, I haven't fallen off the face of the earth...yet....although I have teetered a few times. \:D I have written a few things and posted them in a new blog, if you are interested I would gladly send you the link. Let me know....Meanwhile I will have to catch up on your stories....\:o

melis1Aug 21, 2007

Hey Lyriel, Why don't you publish the next part of the celebrity cooking?\:\( We want the next part!!\:mad\:

S.CainsJun 26, 2007

Hi just so you know the next part of Rich Girls is out now. It's a bit short but the next part will be longer

Magical MetamorphosisJun 20, 2007

Hi Again! Thank you, for your great comments on the next installment of my story. As you noticed there is a bit of cheekiness with this particular elven family. So I like you, do hope they can come to some type of amicable understanding with the Avalon Family. \:cool\: Angela

Magical MetamorphosisJun 17, 2007

Hi Llyriel, Thank you, for taking the time to share your kind thoughts with me re: the first installment of my story - The Legend of Whispering Willow Woods. I will try to make the next installment a bit longer! \;\) Angela

simbaby51Jun 16, 2007

hehe...I should've thanked you for both stories in 1 post, but I didn't...Oh well. Thanks for commenting on Design on a Simoleon Episode 4. I'm so happy I finally got the pics clear!!! Maybe if I get them good enough, one of my stories will be on the front page someday (yeah right!\:P ). Episode 5 should be out soon, so keep a look out!

simbaby51Jun 16, 2007

Thanks for reading and commenting on "Design on a Simoleon Episode 3". I agree that there was too much space. The upstairs was way too big. I didn't realize this until I started putting furniture in. I was like "I thought that couch was much bigger!" :P. I'll work on the sim view although sometimes it's impossible to get anything from that view but I'll see what I can do...hey that rhymed! \:D Happy simming!

chardonnayonedgeJun 16, 2007

No, I'm not leaving as of yet. I don't think they'll find any problems with my stories...I hope. But I am having problems with my pc....I have to do some serious upgrades so I can even play my game. I can't believe how bad the withdrawals have been. And to think when I just bought this pc, I was assured it would run the game with no problems. So it mught be a bit before I can get anything done. But I appreciate your interest. Thank You. -chardonnay

KayleenaGJun 14, 2007

LoL, your comment made me laugh. \:D I'm still thinking about what everyone's future careers are going to be after they've graduated. This story goes far beyond college. \:P I just hope it doesn't get too long. \:\)

cariadbachJun 14, 2007

\:\) Just popping in to thank you for reading my stories, you have been busy! Your kind comments are much appreciated. I must admit I have great fun playing about with these sims, it much more interesting than boring housework\:P . Have a good day, Keep Happy-Jane.

simbaby51Jun 13, 2007

Thanks for commenting on my story "Design on a Simoleon". And thanks for the suggestion. I'll take a whack at it! I guess I'm going to do a part 2 \:P ! It will probably be out tomorrow or the next day. Thanks again!\;\)

KayleenaGJun 12, 2007

Thanks for your comments on my story. I'm so happy that you like it so far. \:D And yes, Ivori is definately wrong to judge people so quickly. She's never done it before, so Ian's confused. LoL. Poor guy; he doesn't know what to do. But I'm going to upload the 5th part tonight, and I think it's my favorite part so far. \:D Have a nice day!\:cool\:

eshuffJun 10, 2007

LMAO!!! The girl in the last Tony story, and THANK YOU so much for reading and leaving a comment, is me. From the Removal story. It was kind of a joke. My last story here. When I do more, I'll provide a link if anyone is interested, once I finally figure out how to put up the stupid blog!

eshuffJun 10, 2007

I'm not going to be posting any more of my work here anyway. I'm trying to set up a blog to do it, along with several of the other writers here who have quit after TSR's recent decision to impose some kind of "PG-13" (read age 10 and younger) restrictions. Please continue to let me know what work you do. I am sincerely interested. And, LOL, I know about the pc and reinstalling everything! My new favorite toy, the external hard drive!

eshuffJun 3, 2007

I hate posting a note like this since it seems like advertising, but I have another Tony story out there now. Finally!

Primetime024May 27, 2007

Thank you for your comment on my Victorian Carousel painting. Have a wonderful day.

eshuffMay 24, 2007

Wow! Thank you for taking the time to read all those Tony L stories! I'm really flattered! As far as Tony's personality/character goes, I try to keep it as true to life as I can, and since it's based on a real person, he can be complex and difficult sometimes. I'll be coming out with another one soon. I was very sick for a long time but have started working on it again. I truly appreciate the time and thought you put into your comments -- the feedback makes all the difference to me! -- B

NyellMay 20, 2007

Thanks for reading and commenting my "Great prophecy" story.\:D I love your stories they're so original. Have a nice day!

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