LurLur (254930)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (71 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

CrumbGrabber Store Pt.5
Published Nov 22, 2006
About Me
There's not a lot of simmers that indulge in urban gear, but for the few of us out there, there's not much to download. So I've made a few things to enjoy in my game and I've shared them online. My Crumb Grabber store items are the last of my uploads to TSR for awhile, but I'll continue to update my site ENJOY!!!
My Guestbook Show All
bridgett70Nov 25, 2013
I love your creations they are eye poppin and jaw droppin and the grills for the teens left me speechless. Thank you!!
charrayApr 12, 2009
I love your creations You did an awesome job. I really love the children's shop. Thanks so much for all the work and for sharing everything
playerChani2008May 17, 2008
hey ghurl i just went to ur website "Da Hoodhip hop for your Sims2", omg HOW YOOH DID DAT..HOW DO YOOH CREATE STUFF LIKE DAT I MEAN YOOH GOT EVERYTHING DAT WE NEED ON DA REAL YO, EMAIL ME 4REAL IIGHT iight chiqk thanx damnnnnn lyke yooh got all da urban clothings plus how do i download dem cuz i cant it wont do anything?