LuvBuzz82 (640155)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (149 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Painted-Over-Brick Walls Set
Published Nov 19, 2006
About Me
Hello, my name is Wendy, I'm 24 and from New York. I am married to the man of my dreams & and have a precious baby girl named Jaiden Marie,who will be a year old in April 07'! I enjoy creating for and playing The Sims 2 (when I have time!) I mostly do celeb sims, walls and floors, although latley I've been trying to do hair and clothing...So look for those creations from me in the near future!
I Love animals, I have 3 dogs, a cockerspaniel, her name is Cheyanne, and a doberman and his name is Zeus and Zeus just become a daddy about 5 weeks ago and we now have Isis our precious lil' dobe puppy!
A Big Thanks to all who download my creations! Please Rate and let me know what you think of them!
"Better to burn out, than fade away"
My Guestbook Show All
charrayMay 21, 2009
Just wanted to say Thanks for sharing your wonderful creations Nice job!!
Chuck66Aug 21, 2008
love your sims keep on making em!
foxysenseiMay 23, 2007
hey, thanks so much for your lovely, thoughtful comment on my story, "rainee's Terrible Secret". That's a really good idea about the forums - I'm going to try it.
Much thanks and friendship, ~foxy~