Stories ...
Here I have a shiny new minisite and blog … and it occurred to me that I don’t have anything for the “stories” section since I write stories in the forums and not as photo stories. I’ve always loved the idea of setting stories to music and since Photobucket has that new feature … I thought it’d be fun to make a photo video of my forum stories. The effect is not the same as an actual video, I know, but in between writing (and playing), recoloring and RL stuff, I just haven’t much time to actually shoot and edit a video for now—although I would like to one day. =)
The photo video for the Legacy is here and the actual story is here: The Hunter Legacy.
So You Want To Be A Sim tells the story of a Sims player who wakes up one day and finds herself in the game. The photo video is here.
I have tried to tell a story with the photo videos in themselves but nothing that would serve as spoilers if you plan to read the stories. And if you have already read the stories, the videos are more of like a “walk along memory lane.”
Lastly, the Legacy would probably return with new updates sometime in late October since I’m working more on So You Want for now and another set of recolors. Watch this page for news on update status.