MaskedRaider (1555239)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (108 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Precious Metal
Published Jan 29, 2009
My Latest Sims 1 Creations (25 in total) Show all my Sims 1 Creations
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About Me
Hi! I'm MaskedRaider, and I'm really into music and drama, currently performing in a Musical, various concerts with the grammar school and have recently been hired to work for my old theatre school! Whoop!
I have many Sims 2 lots, but my most popular creations are my beddings and hair - there are now 11 different hair colourings to choose from. I am looking to save up for a minisite - only 3000 more subscriber downloads to 30000!
My Latest Updates Show All
Things are getting hairy...Written Jan 29, 2009
...Because I'm making more hair! I've chosen my mesh, and am setting about a full on retexture. I've also designed the sim i'm going to put it on - this is hopefully going to be a really romantic look. The set is going to be entitled 'Flower in the Wind' and will hopefully turn out well. More news soon :) ...More
The Very First (and most probably last...) Blog Post!Written Jan 27, 2009
Heyarr! For those of you that know me a bit already you'll know I can't keep a project going, my brain is like a grasshopper in that it hops here, there, everywhere. (I will not however, make a mess of your lawn) I'm creating again a little bit now, so look out for some new stuff soon, a brand new lipstick (which I'm really proud of) will be released this coming friday! Taraa for... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
beccaboobooberryApr 08, 2009
Thank you for wishing me joy with my daughter. She is a blessing and I wanted you to know I appreciate it
jsfJan 30, 2009
Hi Masked Raider, Thank you for taking the time to leave such a nice comment on my wallpaper panel, I appreciate that. judi
IllianaDec 18, 2008
~@~ I wish you peace, I wish you joy, I wish you hope...but most of all I wish you happiness surrounded by those you love! Happy Holidays to you, and may the warmth of this special season last for all the year through! ~@~ Illiana