MiaPatel (4361315)
About Me
Hi!! My name is Mia and im 17 Years Young! x I need help with uploading. Imma teeny bit Noobish right now! My sims game however, Im a pro at uploading things and making my beaut sims! Please write in my GB how to upload things! Thankyouu!
My Guestbook Show All
lotsbymanalNov 07, 2020
The category for the rooms is different from the houses and you can find it in the library 😃
lotsbymanalNov 04, 2020
Hi, the wooden arch comes with island paradise 🙂
MiaPatelAug 14, 2013
Hi! I need people to write in my guest book some info x Also I want to know if there are any people out there who will create a team up with me like a partnership/business and I can come up with ideas which you can create, Ive tried creating many times however my computer cant handle it! Thankyouus! xox