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MidnightRose's Guestbook

Birba32Mar 25, 2021

Hi!!Thank you very much for you comment on my Retro ReBOOT stuff, I really appreciate \:wub\:

PralinesimsMay 29, 2017

Thank you

hiedibear75Feb 16, 2012

Thanks! \:D  Whenever TSR's TS2 submissions area is back to normal I'll have all sorts of tile sets for our Sims to redo their bathrooms with. :ccool:  I think you're one of the few people who made any Christian art recolors & I REALLY thank you for THAT! \:wub\:  Hope to see you work soon. \:rah\:  Oh just as an FYI MY name is actually Hiedi (My mom used the AMERICAN rule of "I" before "E" except after "C", trouble was it's not an "American name" it's a "German name". \:P LOL ). \;\)  Take care & HAPPY SIM-ing!!! \:wub\: \:rah\: \:wub\:

hiedibear75Feb 14, 2012

Hey it will be nice having YOU back in TS2-Land. \:rah\:  Hope your health improves. \:wub\:

simromiDec 25, 2010

Wishing you a joyous Holiday Season and a prosperous New Year! \:rah\:

luckyoyoAug 12, 2010

Hi,  Thank you for the comment you left me in my Blog regarding my download 'I love my iPhone 4' T-Shirt, as it was directed at me it got me mad\:mad\: I think that everything that has happened to me over the past few months has got to me and that was the icing on the cake as they say, I'm going to ignore them and carry on, I'm so pleased you like some of my stuff\:D \:D  I looked at your creations and they are wonderful, \:wub\: I love your houses and pictures the most, they are beautiful.\:\)

uRabbitNov 26, 2009

Thanks so much for creating that Mayoral Estate for me! You're the greatest!

kanzenNov 18, 2009

hey midnight =] thanks so much for replying in my blog. *hugs* fortunately we're still together and still working it out. love's the sticky lil glue that keeps you together no matter what kind of trouble appears. thanks again for your kindest regards.

shaml_sim Nov 16, 2009

Hey there Midnight Rose \:\) Thanks for leaving your thoughts on my blog! What a great idea it is to send your Sims 2 games to your neices. It's much better than them just sitting in a cupboard or getting thrown out \:wub\:

WickedMayesJuggaletteNov 16, 2009

Thank you for your brick walls that recently came out for TS2. I really love them! thanks!

PralinesimsOct 30, 2009

great site thank you\:\)

paramitiOct 15, 2009

Thank You for All Your Lovely patterns \:D am really going to enjoy having them in my game \:D paramiti~

makabaerSep 12, 2009

Thanks so much for your congrats on my baby boy :-) I'm happy I came here to answer - as I found your amazing creations by that! Sadly I don't have the time right now but I'm looking forward to browsing through your tons of downloads! :-))

squeakersSep 3, 2009

\:D Hi there, I saw your post in the Disabilitry Den, and decided to check out your minisite, and all I can say is OMG!!!!!!! You are so talented, and have such an awesome gift, I can't believe I haven't seen your work til now!\:eek\: I just went on a download spree, and even though my hard drive is screaming at me, and threatening mutiny, I don't care, LOL. You are amazing, and I simply must have your work in my game!!!!!\:P I will be using alot of your walls and floors in my uploads to here, I adore building apartments, and I am sooo excited to see your gorgeous walls and floors, especially the blue and green carpets, those are so wonderful, I wish I could have them in my real home!!!!!!\:D Thank you so very much for sharing your talent and hard work, you rock!!!!! And thank you for continuing to creat for the Sims2, I love that game, and am not ready for the Sims3 yet, but when I do someday, I will be grabbing up your Sims3 stuff too. TC and have a great day, and best wishes and your in my thoughts and prayers, as is your husband.\:wub\: Denise

weezythreetAug 5, 2009

hey there, MRose... I appreciate that you are going to continue making cc for sims2, even tho you are simming3 now (Topaz's blog) \:\)  I really like your sim2 creations and I think you're very talented. I hope all goes well with your other computer, as well as your hubby's surgeries and appt's \;\) take care (& hubby too!) ~weezy~

topaz27Jul 30, 2009

Hi MidnightRose, Thank you so much for commenting on my blog \:\) I really appreciate the fact that your creating for both games and I fully understand that it is hard for many artist to get the time they need to create for one never mind both, so please don't misunderstand my plea, it is to those who can do both but perhaps have just forgot about sims 2 etc, hope you know what I mean \:\) anyway it means alot to me that you took the time to comment and I do wish you a very beautiful day \:\) TC \:wub\:

RepulsiveDesireJul 26, 2009

Thank you for the advice you left on my blog about figuring out how to do the preview screenshots. I really appreciate it.

Jennifer_RJul 7, 2009

Hi there \:\)  Thank you for commenting on my blog. And thanks for the conversion, I will adjust the banner I've made and see how I go tonite. I guess they can only reject it can't they. Have a lovely day! \:\)

MoMamaJul 5, 2009

Thanks for voicing your opinion about the flag patterns. I decided not to release them finally. I appreciate you voicing your opinion. Have a happy weekend! \:D \:D

hiedibear75Apr 27, 2009

Thank you for commenting on my blog. \:cool\:  Yeah I have already been missing the lack of portability. \:\(  Oh well.....there is more room on this one so maybe I will get more into creating. \;\)  Well SIM ya around. \:cool\:

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