Miss_Crazy13 (849736)
About Me
Hi there!
My name is Sarina, a 33 year old female living in the Netherlands.
I'm a huge Sims fan and have been playing it since the very first game in 2000.
When Sims 2 came out, I switched but nowadays I usually divide my time between Sims 3 & 4. Am a TSR member since 2004 but because I didn't understand how downloading stuff worked I, for a long time, never came here. Luckily I figured it out eventually and ever since TSR is my favorite site for downloading CC, so many talented creators here!
Wanna know more, leave a message.
~ Ciao
My Latest Updates Show All
The Sims 3 is been leaked!? Written May 27, 2009
OMG do you know what I just read!? Accourding to game and news sites the Sims 3 is been leaked on the internet!! Many pirate websites say it's the real stuff, and lots of people have already downloaded & played it. But EA gave a statement that it's not the whole end version. Great parts of the Sims world are missing and the second town isn't even there.... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
VidiaNov 26, 2012
Thank you so much for your congratulation.
gameliaMay 28, 2009
The pirated version of TS3 comes nicely packaged with a virus. Good choice not to download it.
drewsolteszApr 01, 2009
Thanks so much about Crime Story. Donna was born in game, and I don't know where I got Joey, though I get a lot of my male sims from all4sims.de he might be there, thanks again!