Miss Simpleton (2589743)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (207 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Mosaic Glass Tiles for Walls...
Published May 2, 2011
About Me
My name is Jen. I work as a commercial artist. Anyways, I perform with a band on the weekends, live with my guy, two dogs and two cats. That's all I can think of right now. More later
I've played The Sims on and off for a couple of years. My sister is or was a creator on MTS2 and she used to build all my houses lol. So I got jealous and wanted to start makinging stuff too. So I did! Recently I started creating. Some of my items are on MTS2 too. They can be found here http://www.modthesims.info/member.php?u=2194101
My Guestbook Show All
shiny.emerald22Nov 16, 2013
fantastic tile sets!
RosieukMar 05, 2013
Thank you so much for the lovely comment so very glad you like it.
bumblesbarbieJan 06, 2011
love the tiled walls and floors, exactly the kind of colours I like. Thanks