Missbittersw33t (3304614)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (44 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

'Kiss Me Please' - Lipgloss
Published Aug 3, 2011
My Latest Community Uploads
About Me
Hey im britt (:
I'm from the UK and i've grown up with and been playing the sims since TS1 and have played each game to death and loved them all,
I've recently started uploading to TSR so I hope you all enjoy my creations (: I hope to upload many more and move on to bigger more difficult projects as I get more experienced in creating,
thanks for veiwing my page happy simming
My Guestbook Show All
takeshi_coldrainFeb 22, 2013
I love your Persona 4 Characters. Will you make the rest of them?
AngelSong15Apr 25, 2012
Can you make a Naoto sim please!
LilYuki15Jul 12, 2011
hey i think everything u make is supper pretty so thanks....im new to the site so i didnt know how to thank you