Mjau (3424109)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (4 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Lost at sea (unfurnished)
Published Jul 12, 2012
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Lost at sea up and coming tomorrow!Written Jul 11, 2012
So my next creation will be up and coming tomorrow called "Lost at sea". A small simple lot with a nice sea view. I really hope y'all will love it. Have a great week! ...More
New creation coming up soon!Written Jul 10, 2012
Hey all! Been some time after my last blog entry. I've just been so busy with work, moving to a house and stuff. But I've got some time over now and finally started creating a new lot. I don't know exactly when it'll be finished but as soon as I can. This one might be a bit smaller than I use to built but I'm sure many will just love it. So keep your eyes open and I promise it'll be up and... ...More
Hey all =)!Written Mar 20, 2012
Well after alot of thinking I came to the conclusion to make a beach house with a nice view. So I thought for myself where could be the perfect place to create it so the thought hit me, in sunset valley y'all know there is a community lot called "recovery beach" or something like that, well I changed the lot type to "regular". I've always wanted to build a simble beach house because I used to... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
FlovvApr 18, 2012
Thank you very much for your wonderful coment! Have a lovely week!
philoApr 13, 2012
Hi Mjau, many thanks for your kind comment on my villa Pomone. I am pleased that you like it. Enjoy your week-end. Krys
agapi rMar 29, 2012
Hej, kul att du gillade mina ridkläder Ha en bra dag!