MrNSheikh (4016539)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (3 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Blenheim Palace - Royal Palaces
Published Sep 7, 2011
About Me
When I have the time, I like to re-create some of the UK and the worlds finest houses in as much detail as possible. Please check out my downloads and also find out more information and more pictures by visiting my YouTube channel where videos are posted showing all of the rooms. I hope you enjoy my downloads, please let me know what you think and of anything you'd like me to have a go at!
My Guestbook Show All
lucyroberts10Feb 10, 2013
please please can you build Ariana Grande's house please please please and plaease send it to me or something thankyou
wikus1982Nov 15, 2012
Wow, these creations are absolutely stunning! I would love to see your interpretation of Versailles!
missyzimJul 23, 2012
Hello! Thanks for your comments on my houses. To build the stairs with walls underneath, you have to delete any foundation touching the stairs and encase the area in regular walls before you place the stairs. Then delete the walls. If you need the foundation to place the stairs, you have to use the constrainFloorLevel cheat and replace the foundation with walls. Hope that helps! Missy