MrZEDO (1503084)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (14 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

"The MaxSuit" set 3,...
Published Oct 17, 2006
About Me
Note on "Housing" section: I put "Parent's Basement", but it is actually my Great Aunt's basement. I live there with my Mum, Sister, and Dog (yes, it's a rather sizable basement).
Note on "Personality" section: They spelled weird wrong. It's wEIrd, not wIErd. Its spelling is against grammatical rules (I before E except after C) because it is WEIRD! Gosh. Get it right folks.
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TheMistress666Dec 08, 2006
Wow... Thanks so much for the wonderful comments you left on my Wall mural sets - I trully appreciate the time you took and your feedback. Many Thanks ~Claire~