MrsSkullcrusher (6033176)
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emeraldOct 01, 2015
Thank you , Hugs
emeraldSep 09, 2015
Hi! MrsSkullcrusher
Thank you for your nice comment.
I wish could help you. But unfortunaly I don't have backups of the original source of my work. Ideally, I would use the original source to create separate walls with different colors. And doing a recolor with the final version of the file usually does not come out very nice because the color of all parts of the image change, including parts that shouldn't change.
So what I usually do when simmies like you make a request, I make a note of it and include something similar into my later works. Hugs
OvejaNegraNov 29, 2014
Hi! I would like to thank you for your kind comment on my dress. I appreciate it! Have a good weekend.