MuffyMoo (1035266)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (20 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Purple Hooped Earrings
Published Jun 12, 2005
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HenwenJul 06, 2007
Hi MuffyMoo! Thanks so much for the compliment. I'm so glad you like all of my "Baby" carpets and I really appreciate the kind comments on them. Nancy
foxysenseiJun 23, 2007
thanks for going on a download spree on my minisite, and many thanks for all the great comments!
Wolfsim68Jun 23, 2007
Good to see you're still busily downloading! One day I'd like to release a plan of the neighbourhood for people to follow, but I have so much still to build & so many gaps to fill, it'll probably be a long time coming! Love & Hugs as always Shaz