MzInkedMayhem (81758)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (18 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Lime Green Textured Walls
Published Mar 30, 2006
About Me
Alas, I am a geek girl for sure, I love to tinker with stuff. I started out taking paralegal classes with the intent to go on to law school. When was a kid I had tinkered with a commodore 64 PC but not much else. 12 years ago, I got my first PC. That was it, i found BBS's and Chat Rooms, I started playing BBS war games like Falcons Eye and others. I was hooked, I took my pc apart, rebuilt it over and over and never bought another PC after that. I just upgrade parts and cases these days. I left the law field and bounced around during the good old top dollar tech days. Now I work for the city IT department where I live. My geekiness spread. I even bought a dremmel power tool to mod my PC case. I then decided I could try this on my xbox. It is a sad truth that I love my PC. I would call my PC my precious but that would lead to the whole volcano throwing thing and I coudnt bear that. Other things, I love graphics and Music, My husband, my kids, my crazy family, horror movies, and The Sims. I started playing the original one 3 years ago and here I am. I have been a member here for a while but never slowed down to try my hand at creating. Well it looks like I have found another computer related thing to throw my geeky diva self into. Blessed be.
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drteekayceeJul 02, 2021
Thank you for your kind words
NokomysJan 18, 2007
Hi! Thank-you for the nice comment you left on my Stella recolor. I appreciate it and apologize that it took so long to respond!
LianaaDec 29, 2006
Thank you so much for the lovely comment! Happy New Year!