Navek (3170293)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (65 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Christmas Crackers
Published Nov 29, 2012
About Me
sims fan from day 1, love sims 2, personal favourite is building community lots and shops, not yet available in Sims3 but awaiting them ....
just gimme the racks and the tills....
always been tinkering with sims, trying to find out what people want and finding solutions....
My Latest Updates Show All
Starting OverWritten Oct 05, 2012
Hi all thanks for being here, and as you can see I have started uploading again.... I started when the sims 3 first came out with my coloured birthday cakes then made some houses. but I'm back and have been reading tutorials on trawling the forums to see what peeps like you want and many have complained about the lack of good frames.. so I have made a few. don't... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
joy007Nov 04, 2013
As fr the hanging letters: This is cute on the picture but in the game it is unfortunatelly very bad, its too small, we can't even see the letters... Could you please do it again with bigger flowers or without the flowers but just with big letters hanging? Iit would be cute!
lisa85Jun 29, 2013
cant find weddin cake in objects
DOTDec 25, 2012
☆ Happy Holidays ☆ And A Wonderful New Year ☆