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Nawa's Blog


*gasp* Is that Pralinesims commenting on my lot, Atalanta Grove? Excuse me while I faint...  I feel so flattered and irrationally proud. Also, I had forgotten how satisfying it is to share your creations... might keep going for a bit longer before work catches up..

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, everybody! 

sixth post - two years later

Well, this is a bit awkward. Hi again. Anyway, the "Up"-inspired house I built two freaking years ago is going up tomorrow and I'm currently working on another one, maybe two.

Merry Christmas everybody!

fifth post - long time no see/read/write

Well, it's been a few months.... 

To cut a long story short, I've started the IB and it's a LOT of work, so that is the reason why I haven't been that active over the past months. I'm really sorry for all the nice people who leave such nice comments (THANK YOU) but I just don't have the time to write back. Still, I am really happy that people like what I produced and I am grateful for that! 

All of this means: UNDETERMINED BREAK FROM SUBMITTING (not that I've submitted much ;))

Again, I'm sorry, especially for the people who bookmarked me *duck in shame*

Just one last, rather random thing: Finding book titles for S3 books

I have a lot of sims who are authors and who also write a lot of books, so pretty soon, I ran out of inspiration for new titles. So I developed several strategies for making up new ones.

1) Look around your room/the place you play the sims. Look for interesting things. Book titles can be single words ("The Lamp"), several ones ("Tins on a Shelf"), sentences ("Don't touch the Mask") or "and" constructions ("High Heels and Ukuleles"). However, you know most of the objects in your room, so sometimes this doesn't help.

2) Grab the book nearest to you. Now. Turn to page 56. Find the 5th sentence. Use that. Or parts of it. 

3) Go to In the margin on the left, there's a button called "random article". Click on that until you find something interesting ("Yssingeaux mon amour", "Lemon Sharks")

4) This is my favourite. If you have an iPod touch or iPhone, download a Hangman application (there's loads of free ones). Choose single player. The programme will automatically choose a random word, will it not. You don't even have to guess properly, just get to know the word. Do that repeatedly until you find something good. My app even lets me choose whether I want an adjective or a noun etc. That helps when I want a specific construction. ("The Silver Apricot", "Supplementary Submarines", "Thundering Sprout", "Gothic Coconut")

Alternative: If you have a person with too much time at your disposal, play Hangman with them. Or just tell 'em to say random words. 

5) Pictures. You have to be a bit more imaginative with this one. Look at your own photos or browse flickr or similar sites. Imagine that the picture is a snapshot taken at some point in the story. What happened before? What happened later? 

6) Use real book titles. It's a bit lame, but it can be fun (Harry Potter completely flopped with my sims) and it's kind of cool when your sims can buy the same books as you. 

Those are the main methods that I use when I run out of ideas. I know it sounds a bit extreme to go through all of this just to find a book title, I mean, after all it's just a game. However, if you do it, you might as well do it properly. And the listed methods can be very entertaining and inspirational in themselves. 


That's it! Y'all have a good time and maybe see you in the future! 



fourth post - banter and building

Hello out there!

I just wanted to warn you that there's something on the way from me: In the past few days I've been tweaking on some more freetime athletic recolours and they should get approved soon. To the ones I've already done, I've now added three new recolours, a dark-ish blue, a pink, and a yellow one. They worked really well in my game, and I hope you people out there will think that as well :) 

Moreover, I went to see the film "Up" today and I thought it was great! The little house is sooo cute! So, just for fun, I tried to build it. It ended up okay, but quite different to the one in the film - no second story (the stairs wouldn't fit) and I painted it red. Apart from that it got a nice garden and a veranda on the back. I really like it so maybe I'll submit it some time, who knows...

Until then, happy simming and good night everyone.

~ Nawa

third post - coming up


In the next few days, I will (hopefully) be able to upload a new lot to TSR. It's a tiny little cottage and I think it's absolutely ADORABLE. It will make a cosy retreat for example for an elderly couple or just sims with a nostalgic mind! I can't guarantee anything but since I'm already finished building and furnishing, all I have to do is kill off my test sim (I know, I'm horrible...) and take some good pics. That's it for now. I have never been doing challenges but now I tried the Introduction Challenge and I thought it was quite fun. It was more fun, though, to continue Sonny's life after the challenge was completed. Now he's married to a certain Penelope who is pregnant, they've got a bird and are currently redecorating! How exciting is that!

second post (d'oh)

Just a short note to thank all the people who have left all those nice comments on submissions and entries in my guestbook. Thank you guys! I realise that I've been on TSR very irregularly and missed out on a lot. That's also why I haven't answered straightaway on some comments. Sorry for that! :) From now on I'll try to be on every week at least and upload something again when I find the time. Thanks again! Hugs, Nawa

first post

Okay. Here it is. THE BLOG.

Whatever... :D I've decided to try and make a few more uploads, maybe even in a regular manner, especially since I got Sims 3 a month ago, so I'll give it a try. The uploads will probably be houses and some minor items of clothing, some, like my favourite houses (which I haven't even uploaded at all), translated from Sims 2 to Sims 3. I suppose no one even reads this anyway but just to give cyberspace a general warning that I am about to pollute it with products of my mind :) That's it, and I sincerely hope that I won't forget this because I really like TSR and creating for it. So long! ~ Nawa

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Intermission sixth post - two years later fifth post - long time no... fourth post - banter and building third post - coming up second post (d'oh) first post
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