
81Creations 622,848Downloads

Nayara's Guestbook

Kitty PaineJul 30, 2013

Could you make a functional PS2 and Gamecube please?

sid.cristhianMay 8, 2012

naiara, me ajuda, como eu faço ara mudar o idioma desse site???

karinalangkjerDec 24, 2010

Hey, Nayara! \:\) Eu desejo a vc um lindo Natal e um maravilhoso Ano Novo, com muita paz, amor, felicidade, prosperidade, sucesso e saúde! \:D \:wub\: Beijos, Kah. \;\)

BablebibouNov 22, 2010

Hi ! I love your creations, my favorite is the Xbox !

karinalangkjerSep 5, 2010

De nada! \;\)

karinalangkjerSep 4, 2010

Ei, é ótimo conhecer mais um brasileiro (no caso brasileira :P) como usuário no TSR!! E eu AMEI aquele conjunto tropical! Me senti muitoooooo mais brasileira!! Muito obrigada, Nayara! \:rah\: \:D

moieemAug 22, 2010

hey! i just wanted to say that i love your futuristic designs! they look so great ! i am going to use them in my lots now .. \:D Check them out once!     xxx moieem \:wub\:

sosliliomAug 11, 2010

Hi there \:\)Thank You very much for Your comment\:wub\:I'm glad You like my silk dress\:\) ~ Lili

denizzo_istAug 2, 2010

Hi \:D Thank you very much for your wonderful comment on my 'DNZ Ivy Set'. Really I'm glad you like them \:wub\: Have a wonderful day \:D

Lisa 86Jul 27, 2010

Hey, thank you so much for your comment on my set "Comfort Living", I'm so glad you like it! \:D

marcorseJul 13, 2010

Thank you for such a quick response Nayara - much appreciated. I should have been more specific in my earlier message. I can only give you this explanation in English I'm afraid, but no doubt you will know how to obtain a translation if English is a problem. TSRAA is the group name given to artists at TSR who have agreed that their creations may be used in building lots uploaded to TSR only, without having to get the individual permission from each artist. If those letters [TSRAA: YES] appear on the details page for a given download, it means that users can download the object, place it in the game, and upload the house or building it appears in - but exclusively to TSR, not to the Sims Exchange or any other site. When using the TSRAA system, all the custom content items in a lot, appear as thumbnails on the details page for the download, with links to each object's own download location - so credit is given to the artist in this way. I think it would be worth while for you to join TSRAA - it would possibly increase download numbers because builders [like me] would know that they are cleared to include your items. By the way, even if you are a TSRAA member, you can still ssy "NO" if you decide some items are not for wider use. I hope this helps, but if you type 'TSRAA' in the search box at the top of the TSR homepage you will find all sorts of information about this subject. Hugs Marg

marcorseJul 12, 2010

Have just spent a great few minutes browsing your minisite Nayara and you have some really unique and fascinating items here.  \:wub\:   I downloaded the bunk bed when it was originally released [and the revision a few minutes ago], and  I have another query on that item.  Is it permitted to include it in lots uploaded on TSR [nowhere else] with proper credit given.  There is no mention of the TSRAA identification  on the download page, so I thought it best to check with you before putting the object ingame - that way I won't accidentally include it in a TSR lot upload before I get your ruling.   I look forward to seeing more of your works soon. \:\)

eldannyboomJul 7, 2010

You have wondeful collection. Thank you for sharing and allowing us to enjoy your creations. BOOM BABY! \:D

NayaraApr 17, 2010

Hehe valeu gente!\:D

spitzmagicApr 17, 2010

Hi Nayara, Welcome to TSR. I wanted to stop by and say Hello, your creations are fantastic, love the Fenix \:wub\:

QuengelApr 14, 2010

Hi again \:D *lol waving* \:\) Thank you so much for your kind compliment on my house " Plumbbob Boulevard 114 " \:\) \:o I appreciate feedback always alot \:D! So thanks alot!  Even I'm still NOT portuguese! Have a beautiful and relaxing day \;\) \:\)

realworlder4evaApr 8, 2010

I just wanted to express my gratitude for your wonderful lamp collection. It is clear you are talented and I cannot wait to see what items you have in store for the future. Thank you once again for sharing! \:rah\:

QuengelApr 7, 2010

Hi again \:\) I googled yesterday, too. But I asked here at TSR also srgmls23  ! He is from Portugal and I can only suggest him, if you want to have some spectacular houses (if not of me \:o LOL), take a look on his site \;\) I wish you a beautiful day, thanks again \:\) \;\)

QuengelApr 6, 2010

YAY! I'm first here \:D Hello and welcome to TSR \:\) Thank you for your compliment (?) at my newest house " Plumbbob Boulevard 113 " \:\) I guess, it's a compliment, because of the heart-smiley. Hopefully you understand english \:confused\: ?! I don't understand portuguese \:\( LOL I'm not the pope, I speak only two languages \:\( However, I wish you a beautiful & relaxing day. And I do even appreciate your feedback \:\) \;\)

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