Nema_K (3265975)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (7 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Olivia Seas
Published Jul 25, 2010
About Me
Hello and welcome to my minisite!
My name on the interwebs is Nema_K. I live in Chicago and am 16 years old. Sims is a hobby I like to do in my free time, but my true passion is lacrosse. Come late winter and spring, that's the only thing I do. School, lacrosse, sleep, repeat.
- 1000 Downloads: 7/5/10
- 1000 Downloads for 1 Item: 7/9/10 (Vanja Segers)
- 1st Featured Screenshot: 7/4/10 (What's in the Bag?)
My Latest Updates Show All
No Serb Flag =(Written Jul 06, 2010
So you know how in the top right corner of your profile, it shows a flag for where you're from? Yea, I don't have that. All I get is "I am from SERBIA" This is an outrage! This is blatant discrimation against all Serbs, and I will take TSR to court unless my demands are met!* Not really, but I am bummed out that Serbia doesn't have it's own flag. I guess I could put Bosnia or... ...More
Upcoming StuffWritten Jul 02, 2010
I am going to be creating sports-themed painting collections for The Sims 3. I am going to start my life and my passion: lacrosse. After that, I'll do Football (American), Football (Soccer), and Basketball. Then, depending on demand and requests, I might do some more. Expect the first one (lacrosse) to come out by the 4th. ...More
My Guestbook Show All
PralinesimsApr 24, 2011
Happy Easter!
PralinesimsDec 19, 2010
****We wish you a MERRY CHRISTMAS ♥ and a gorgeous day!!*****
°°°°Happy simming!°°°°
*Hugs and Kisses*
FlexinaAug 06, 2010
Well, the house is up, its for subscribers only due to use of items from this site. I dont know if you are a subscriber.