PandoraTheDark (1483881)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (1 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Skyline Apartments' Signboard
Published Sep 14, 2012
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RemusSirionAug 16, 2021
The original creator of the mesh that I used for the outfit put it behind a malicious ad link, hence why I removed the item a long while ago.
NynaeveDesignSep 30, 2018
I made the radiator and the windowsill is just a shelf.
Zuckerschnute20Sep 21, 2015
Hi there The dress was one of my first creations and doesn´t have any own view. Take the basic peplum dress and you can see 2 gray buttons. One of which is the new dress have fun, greetings