PuddinPop (5590300)
About Me
I am learning my way around this wonderful site, slowly. Please be patient since my time to play is a bit limited. Every artist that has uploaded a creation here has my utmost respect and admiration for your skills. Your work is absolutely beautiful!!!
* As I become more familiar with how to work this site I will update this description to reflect more of myself... til then I really am just a newb ♥
My Guestbook Show All
PralinesimsJun 30, 2016
Helloooooo cutie♥
Thank YOU so much for commenting!! ♥ We wish you a wonderful weekend! Have fun ♥
Margeh-75May 16, 2014
thank you my dear for the beautiful comment on my cc!! so nice of you! have a beautiful weekend! from Margie ❤ ❥ ♡ ♥ ღ ɞ ❤
Margeh-75May 16, 2014
oh thanks for letting me know, i could also download it as a set, its so weird it shows up as 0 lol, i will let them know