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RIDance's Guestbook

josh1092Mar 24, 2008

My easter was great to, my auntie and cousin came to see my dad's side of the family today with us. It was pretty fun, we went to town and fed the ducks at the river. Then we went to a coffee bar and I got a strawberry ice cream milkshake and it had bits in it, so instead my half-brother's girlfreind decided to get me an ice cream. \:D Tommorow or Wednesday I'm going ice skating with my cousin (WOOP WOOP!) Well that's all.\:D Josh.

josh1092Mar 20, 2008

Happy easter! Hope you have a wonderful one, I'm sure I will. =] Josh.

sara_87Mar 19, 2008

Hi! Thanx for letting me know about Oasis Island 9 \:\) \:wub\:

KayleenaGMar 19, 2008

I've got a question, Lady. \:\) It has nothing to do with the sims. Haha. I'm making a photography website, and I want to make a layout, kind of similar to yours for Oasis Island. I wan the top and side bar to stay there, while the other pages are on the inside. Would you be able to help me with the coding and then once I know it, I can alter it to my preference?

beretta92Mar 15, 2008

thanks for commenting my shot letters from the front \:\)

samcactus101Mar 12, 2008

Thanks! I AM a bit of a slacker myself but somehow I always manage to pull it off\:D \:D. Phew! Now one things off, glad everyones saying its pretty good, I thought I was in for trouble. I got till Monday for me last driving lesson. Watcha up to?

samcactus101Mar 12, 2008

Hey again! thought i'd let you know my results: out of 10 subjects, i managed to get 5A's, 4B's & a C!!\:eek\: I know.. pretty bad.. i'm a very average student. God, I HATE STUDYING. But my family (especially my parents) seem to be very happy about it\:wub\: so I guess i'm ok. My mom says for every A i get, she'll give RM100. So thats RM500 for me!\:D

KayleenaGMar 12, 2008

You know what, I did delete my Accessory.cache and Cigen and a few others and it started up just like always. And as slow as always. Haha. Now I'm just kinda mad that I deleted those downloads. I deleted a lot of really pretty eye colors and I believe I was using some on my sims. But I had completely forgot about deleting those files. Then one day, I'm sitting there staring at my desktop, and I was like, "OH WAIT!! What if I did this!" Haha. So I'm just going to start deleting those on a regular basis now. Like every two weeks. It may be that if that file size gets too big, the game won't want to load. But yea, I'm still in Iowa. I'm on the south side of town now. AND, I just got the internet at home today. It's nice and fast too. So, I'm off to finish your story now. :P

mini me3393Mar 12, 2008

No problem! I love reading your stories! And I totally thought of something else. In the last part you hinted that Tatum had been at Able's. That's how he must have known Fred and where he went to school and everything! Stupid Tatum! Ha, I think I like your stories a bit too much. I'm already excited about the next one! \:D

simbaby51Mar 11, 2008

Thanks for commenting in my guestbook. I can't wait for the next part of OI. I really enjoy it! Yes, you definately should hold a poll! I don't know why I like Deacon, I just do. I think it's because he seems genuine, which is odd considering his "player"-like traits!

Elena.Mar 11, 2008

Hi! Thank you very much for your comment on my Towels! Glad you like them and yes, BV was the perfect excuse to make them \:D! Have a fantastic day \:wub\: \:rah\:

samcactus101Mar 11, 2008

I only got 1 more lesson to do before I take the test. And tomorrow, I got my SPM results to pick up\:eek\: \:eek\: \:eek\: \:ph34r\: Remember that very important exam I told everyone about last year? Results are finally out & I'm getting jittery. Wish me luck

samcactus101Mar 10, 2008

Gah! Its been exactly 2 weeks since I took my last driving class. My driving instructor has NO time this whole week, he has too many students. Geeeeeezzzzz......

Platinumplaygurl82Mar 9, 2008


psychosimmer86Mar 9, 2008

Rachel, this story needs to be published. Really. It takes alot for me to get emotional from a simple story, but yours totally did. Really. Please!!

Aquaprinc3ssMar 8, 2008

Yes, thank you, I've read it! Its getting interesting now!\:rah\:

Deedee09 Mar 8, 2008

Oh haha i though it was dannys doorm i fought he was a bit gay haha ! \:o *Goes bright red*

civetinjaMar 8, 2008

Thank you for signing my guestbook !\:\)

AshGregMar 8, 2008

thanks for your comment\:D \:D

aaaaaaacMar 8, 2008

\:\) Hi! Thanks for letting me now! \:\) \:\)

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