Rebelyell1325 (824022)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (1 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Simple Apartment Complex
Published Feb 23, 2011
About Me
Hello Sims community!
My name is Terra, and I live in the US in CA. I'm a senior in high school, but usually in my free time I play Sims. I have a never-ending passion for the game of Sims. My mother and I played the original Sims for years and years but I've moved on to Sims 2, she hasn't quite gotten there yet I've tried the Sims 3 game and honestly I didn't like it very much, I'll stick with Sims 2. I love custom content, I don't think I'd play the Sims games without it. For now I'm just downloading but eventually I may start making some too Thanks for visiting my page! Have fun!