RockinRobin (79526)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (768 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Calligaris Bedroom Set
Published May 26, 2007
My Latest Sims 1 Creations (48 in total) Show all my Sims 1 Creations
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About Me
What is it they say? Necessity is the mother of invention? Well that's exactly the reason I began creating things for the Sims. Anytime I was playing, I'd think of something I wish I had. So I just started making stuff. That's why my creations are all over the place from clothes, to lots, to object recolors, to walls and floors, etc. I don't have a "specialty"....I just make what I need and then if I like the way it turns out, I share it with others.
I've been on TSR since back in the Sims 1 days. I originally bought the Sims for my daughter, but it didn't take long for she and I to begin fighting over who got to play it! LOL Since we have two computers, I finally had to end up getting a second game so that we both could play whenever we wanted. I'm divorced and in love with a wonderful man who just got back from Iraq. While he was gone, I'd play "us" in a dream home I created. I'd send him screen shots of "our" home and all the kids we were having together. It somehow helped me when I was missing him so much. Crazy I know!
Anyway, thanks for reading and thanks for downloading my stuff and all the nice comments.
My Latest Updates Show All
Real Life Interfering with SimsWritten Jun 11, 2007
Since I'm a photographer, this time of year has been especially busy for me and hasn't left me much time to create for the Sims. I have about 5 separate projects I've been working on and it has taken up so much of my time! Hopefully, I will get them finished soon and can get caught up my Sims creations. When people give me money, then I feel that I need to get their jobs done first before I can... ...More
An Exciting Day......Written Jun 01, 2007
I finally hit one million downloads AND won 1st place in the SA monthly contest! What could be better? Thanks to all of you who have downloaded my creations and recognized my work! ...More
Ugh! I'm sick!Written May 22, 2007
I've only been home from my trip for less than a week and I've been sick with a terrible cold for the last 5 days! I can't remember when I've felt so bad. I guess being locked up on a bus for 14 hours with a bunch of kids probably caused me to breathe in some unhealthy germs. Anyway, I promise that I do have a bunch of new things to upload. I just needed to get the pictures taken. But... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
jes sale Aug 25, 2015
thanks for sharing!
ShinoKCRMar 21, 2011
I'll try to update the crazy Rugs as soon as possible. They still work in my Game... It hast to do with the renderoptions of your Videocard. But I think I can manage it to fix them for everybody. Thanks for telling me that they dont work anymore. Huggles Renate
popsy777Dec 20, 2009
He rocks in the tree tops all day long Hoppin' and a-boppin' and singing his song All the little birdies on Jaybird Street Love to hear the robin go tweet tweet tweet