Rogue4378 (1449312)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (588 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Chelles Female...
Published Oct 4, 2008
About Me
I never used to download stuff for my sims until the day came where one of my sims grew up and I couldn't find any Maxis stuff that suited their personality in their new age group. Since then I have acquired that much CC that I'm afraid to look in my downloads file, hehe. I started making my own CC when I wanted something specific, but no one else had already made anything like it. Plus funny shirts are cool.
My Latest Updates Show All
Grilled CheeseWritten May 01, 2009
So I have a sim who likes girlled cheese sandwiches just a bit toooo much. And young Mr V'ral Davenport is going to be marrying some popularity sim I haven't decided on yet, who is also going to convert to Grilled Cheese Ism. So what would be better for this happy couple to live in a house made to look like a grilled cheese sandwich? Hehehe. I found one over at MTS2... ...More
Merry Christmas!Written Dec 22, 2008
Merry Christmas everyone, and a Happy New Year. May I actually get off my butt (or onto it) and finish testing and making preview images for my witches hats, hehe. ...More
Witches hatsWritten Sep 21, 2008
Most of my sims have custom hair colours. Thus when my sim with Rogue (X-men) style hair became a witch I decided she needed a hat to match. I'll probably do the male hats too. And probably I'll do the multitude of colours as well for both genders. Also, I don't understand EA/Maxis at all. Why did they put the teen hat in a differnt file from the ya/adult/elder hats? Seriously!... ...More
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JasminCarolinaFeb 08, 2013
I just wonder, who really wants to download this kind off quite weird and ugly stuff? Recolored hair in some foolish colors? Yuck says me, when i'm trying to find some beautiful hairstyles here for my sims... Thank god there is still creators like ulker and Cazy, go, look and maybe u learn something. (Sorry about being so mean, but it really pisses me off when i need to scroll over these uglies, many pages of them.. )
x_dLC_xJun 22, 2009
Hey there... Your stuff is pretty cool, but there's something that bothers me a little bit... When I try to look through hair downloads your warlock multi-colored hairs clutter many, many pages. It makes searching for the perfect hair a little frustating ... Please don't be offended by this! I just want to suggest that maybe you can possibly combine files, so its like a pack? Thank you (even if you don't take my plea)!
Jennifer_RMay 01, 2009
Hello fellow Australian! I just read your blog and I have a sim that loves grilled cheese a little too much as well. It's just the funniest thing. Everything they want to do somehow grilled cheese is involved. Do you think you'll be submitting this grilled cheese themed house? I'm curious as to what it's going to look like. Happy simming!