S4R4J03 (937983)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (199 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Hello Kitty Pajamas
Published Jan 30, 2007
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*UPDATE* ^_^ Well, I'm back - I got sucked back in. Thought I had kicked my addiction LOL but it's worse this time around! Creating with the Sims 3 is so much easier, which makes it that much more dangerously addicting. I finally graduated in 2009 with a BA in History, fat lot of good that did me though lol Still in love with history, but it's not a very lucrative field to say the least. Currently, studying for my masters degree in library science LOL I never learn. So, Sims is a lovely distraction (*cough* obsession *cough*)
My Guestbook Show All
charrayJul 26, 2009
Nice job on your creations Thanks for sharing them
wackywitch70Jul 19, 2007
Thank you for signing my GB. You're welcome. My kitty is a girl and she is a fat cat too. She is about the size of a baby. She weighs around 15 pounds. I also have another cat he is all black and his name is Thomas. He is my weird one. They both are my baby kitties.
wackywitch70Jul 10, 2007
i love the hello kitty pictures you made. your cat is also soooo adorible. I have cats too. I have on my pics too. She is Cleo. Thank you for sharing your wonderful creations. Angie