Sanctum (2884606)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (1 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Basement Hatch Doors
Published Nov 14, 2009
About Me
I'm a ts2 fanatic, not in the game player way. I have played ts2 from the start as a creator, this is how I have had fun with the game. My hobby is dreaming up what I'd like to see added to the game, making meshes, texturing them and seeing the new creation in the game. I share alot of my creations with others in hopes to enhance their game playing experience in a clean and simmy way for all ages to enjoy.
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SanctumDec 07, 2009
Hi, Thankx for the welcome. I've made a whole lotta odd objects for ts2 and almost always had my own site, however now that ts2 has come to a close, I'm not running my site anymore. So I'll be uploading my more favorite creations here. Afterall this is the best place for the largest amount of ts2 players to find cc.
I should've uploaded here a long time ago, but oh well. I'm here now.
HollyHoskinsonNov 30, 2009
Hi just want to say im happy to see you here on the resource i love your creations and download just about all of it keep up the ggod work and thanks