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Sergeykins332's Guestbook

karinlundqDec 5, 2012

sorry, hair was made in 2006. Typo!

karinlundqDec 5, 2012

found a beautiful hairstyle made by you in 2008 (TSR ID#336251). the link for the mesh does not work. Can you help me here?

71robert13Jul 1, 2009

Thanks for bookmarking me!

71robert13Jun 27, 2009

Glad You like! keep checking back, I've got loads more comeing! SKS

McBealJun 11, 2009

haha of course i do and I remember your stories too :P How are you doing?

Little Cloud Feb 25, 2009

Hello, my name is Little Cloud, and I really liked you Final Fantasy screenshots \:wub\:. Where did you get those Sims \:confused\:?

orangekittenDec 21, 2008

I love the alien fist off too cute! Your things are awesome I love them!

Sergeykins332Jun 8, 2008

sweeet \:D

lil-eApr 11, 2008

erm thanks for signing my guestbook a year or two ago!\:o \:D \:rah\:

SimmidoMar 5, 2008

hi there ah i know um a little bit late replying on ur entry in my guest book but ... here i am ... um simmido u wrote in my guestbook \:D 2years ago hope u r still there .. u asked about my msn i just want to knoe if u still want it .. u can send me urs too i think it is shorter that way \;\)

jadespacemonkeyFeb 15, 2008

Hi, where did you get the snake tank from in your wonderful story, YOU?ME?US? story????\;\)

McBealJul 21, 2007

of course i remember you!! you no longer wrote stories?? how come?

LilyoftheValleyICEJun 3, 2007

Yeah, they just recently released information about it. You can read a little about it and see a couple screenshots (though it's just a teaser) on It is indeed a vacation EP. The Sims 2 is known for being better than the first though, so hopefully they'll be adding a lot of cool things to this remake. And awww Seasons is awesome, you're missing out! lol H&M stuff comes out June 5th, but I won't be buying that one. I don't want frickin fracking advertisements in my game -.-

LilyoftheValleyICEMay 27, 2007

Yeah...don't have too much of a life either. I'm always on the computer when I have free time, lol. Oh well, I love my sims and surfing the web and yeah, it's what I do, lol. I just have these few months and then I get to say goodbye to my parents and hello to college ^^ True, I'll probably still visit weekends, and then there are breaks, but eh, oh well, at least I get to live without them during the school week \:P With this random free time I have right now, I've been starting up a new sim story \:o shocking, I know. Even for me, lol. Hear about the new EP Bon Voyage? Could be cool ^^

LilyoftheValleyICEMay 22, 2007

Yeah really, that used to be my life exactly until May 18th...when I graduated!!!! AHHH!!!! Maybe I'll actually have time to do the things I like now! Well...until I can get a earn some extra money for college....which will also take up my Can't win. I am excited about college though, I'll be going to UF. Go gators? lol

LilyoftheValleyICEMay 22, 2007

Wow yeah!! How are you?? Whatcha been up to? \:D

weirdfaerieJan 20, 2007

I'm sorry about the midterms \:\( I hope they be over soon! it is my birthday today and i am so busy but very happy \:D i am 19!!! \:D \:D \:D Take care TIFA x

weirdfaerieJan 19, 2007

Hey you serge-girlie! Sorry for not being in touch in a while. I've been poorly and it has took me forever to reply to all my messages \:\) Unfortunately I am reeeally busy today \:\( So I will have to reply to you tomorrow, hope thats okay! Take care girlie! TIFA x

weirdfaerieJan 12, 2007

Hello \:D \:D \:D ^^ I feel much better this morning. I went to bed last night coughing lots and haveing a fever >< It is rather funny actually. Before Christmas I was ill with a chest infection and cough, which I then passed onto my sister who was ill over Christmas, and my Mum caught it from her and has been poorly since Christmas! And now I have got it again from my Mum. So the illness is going round in circles ^^ I'm sorry about your wretched school life \:\( At least with every second that passes you are closer to the holidays \:D Whereabouts in USA do you live? My ex now lives in California, which I'm pleased about as he was very possessive o_O He doesn't stalk me now though \:D \:D \:D I am so glad you enjoy my 'letters' ^^ ^^ ^^ I enjoy writing them, and I really enjoy hearing from you too! I look forward to it \:\) \:P ^^ I haven't really done much with the sims lately because my computer crashed before Christmas and since then I have been re-downloading all my custom content. I look forward to playing it again. I got pets for Christmas so haven't really got much chance to play it either ^^ Though I do adore creating them in CAS. I love TS2 \:D And I cannot wait for Seasons! Though I might wait a bit once it has come out, wait until the hacks I use are updated... Actually, no, I enjoy playing it with just the base things, just maxis. It is always so refreshing that sometimes I just move my downloads folder out so I can play it unadulterated \:D I am thinking of buying a stick of more RAM so it runs more smoothly... As I play the game in a lot of different neighbourhoods (Or plan to \:D). I play just plain simmies in Pleasantby (Pleasantville), its where most of my legacy sims are going to be. I also do the same with Verona (Veronaville) Except that has a more Italian, medeival style to it. StranglersTown (Strangetown \;\)) Is where my challenge families are. I plan on the new naighbourhood that comes with seasons to be a fantasy hood. With loads of pixies and demons (Using enaylas amazing pixie skins). I also want my MooMoos to live there aswell and my mermaids \:\) Then, I have (or plan to have) three more custom hoods (I'm waiting to get SC4 for my Birthday (Which is 8 days away \:D 8 days and I will be 19!!!) so I create the perfect hoods for it \:\)). One hood for my victorian "Royal challenge" families. One hood for my "Haunted Hollow" sims. And another hood, which I am going to make like a map (hopefully) of my hometown, Grimsby. i'm going to have sims in there of my family, and people I know, my selfsim \:D But currently my sims games are rather bare as I am having to redo everything \:confused\: What about your sims games. I would love to hear about them!!! How do you play? I currently spend my time in CAS or building houses if I am actually on TS2. I really cannot wait for seasons to come out though. Only 45 days now \:D \:D \:D I hope school was good-ish today \:D I'm really busy at the moment with "Work". I'm a writer, except, I don't do much writing. My life just seems to be whatever I want. I do whatever whenever. Which, I should love. But its always like that and I want more form to it. So I am trying to spend more time with writing stories then anything else. Mum says instead of trying to make time for writing books, I need to write, and make time for everything else! So i won't get to play sims as much anymore anyway *Sighs* But I love writing stories. It has been my lifelong dream. So I hope I manage to fulfil it \:D Take care TIFA x I look forward to your reply \:wub\:

weirdfaerieJan 11, 2007

hey Sergey \:D I can't write much as I feel really ill. It has been a very long day. I will send you a longer message tomorrow I promise \:D I just thought I would tell you that I am thinking of you and I hope your day has been good \:D Take care TIFA x

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