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Sergeykins332's Guestbook

weirdfaerieJan 10, 2007

Sergey \:D \:D \:D HELLO!!! I'm glad you like my long messages \:D I tend to talk a lot sometimes and I am always anxious about boring people heehee I think I still have FFVII in my room somewhere... An old friend lent us it several year ago and then decided to fall out with us... So it's her own fault she never got it back really!!! I didn't realise Tifa was in that exact game so I will have to have a go at it... My sis has been busy lately with some pc game about turtles (Looks rather childish if you ask me :P) and I have been busy drawing so we haven't had much time to play any games \:\( Shame because starocean was just getting good \;\) I like how dancey and hypnotic TaTu are. I don't usually like dance music but I really love them. They seem to make it so fantastical and colourful. Of course I don't think your crazy!! I've had loads of major issues in my life, I've been very close to the edge countless times. Life can be so... painful... I'm weird too because I really don't believe in school. It's weird because I love learning, but I think school is harsh. I think that when you get to say, 14, you should be able to choose whether you want to stay on at school or not. Thirty odd years ago everyone finished school at 14 anyway! When I have kids I'm not going to force them to "have the best education". As long as they are happy thats all that matters. If they want to work in a supermarket so be it. If they want to get severl degrees and be a scientist then they are welcome \:D I think it is up to them really. Whatever makes a person happy... But I have been accused of seeing life through rose tinted glasses \:P It wouldn't be as easy as that *Sighs* Put short, I'm sorry you have to go through school.. I doubt you will be able to drop out?! I would hate to be american!! Over here you leave school at 16 and then choose whether to carry on with college etc. But over there it seems you stay in education for half of your life \:rolleyes: No fun at all... I look forward to your creations \:D I'm not sure what to do really first! I fancy retexturing some of sunairs items... Take care and I hope to hear from you again soon! Sorry if this is rather boring I'm tired today \:wacko\: TIFA \:cool\: \:D \:cool\:

weirdfaerieJan 9, 2007

Okay I am on the desktop now where my tatu album is loaded (I usually live on the laptop cos that way I am sat on a comfy sofa and in front of the tele :P). My fave song is "how soon is now" along with "Gomenasai" and "all about us" hehe I'm listening to them right now \:\) Aswell as Hilary Duff \:rolleyes: how different? And how bad is that to admit I enjoy listening to a pop princess \:puke\: Oh well teehee take care Sergey!! TIFA

weirdfaerieJan 9, 2007

Thankies for the GB entry \:D Gah. I hated school! Well, I actually did love the learning part I just couldn't cope with the other students \:rolleyes: I was a major geek back then \;\) Most people think i am lucky though cos I only spent a few years of my life in school. Due to illness I couldn't attend so I've never ever done an exam or any test or anything.. But I do really long to go to Art college. I hope to in the future maybe.. But anyway, I am lucky. I spend my days just sat at the laptop drawing, talking or playing games... But I wish it wasn't like that... Just to make me even weirder \:\) My sis plays Runescape! And I really want to but I never seem to have enough time! She also plays things like Adventurequest, but I've never heard of Maplestory... I will have to look that up \:D I love games!!! I will have to get Finalfantasy... Which do you think is the best? I tried VII a few years back but the graphics seemed very oldfashioned. It was why my sis hates FF now. I think the name Tifa is from FF, right? My real name is Tiffany but my ex started calling me it last year. He was a huge FF fan. Anyway, Tifa sorta stuck and everyone calls me it now \:\) Your creations are really good!! And anyway, everyone has to start somewhere \:D You were the first creator on here that I became a fan of \:D Oooh I love that song all about us!!! Isn't it so magical and haunting?? I LOVE it \:D \:D \:D Most people don't know Tatu over here either. They were in the charts a couple of times a few years back but since then nobody really cares for them. But I do \:\) My favourite though is the one that is the theme tune to charmed. I can't remember the name right now though \:rolleyes: I am terrible at song titles. There is another song I love by them but i can't remember that either hehe I shall have to check it out later \:D My fave bands though um, well, my absolute favourite is Evanescence \:\) I also adore loads of other bands so it is a very looooong list. Usually I only like a few of each like you said. But I adore all of the songs by Evanescence, most of the ones by Tatu and I also adore H.I.M. and Creed. I just tend to like music which is powerful \:D \:D \:D i have to get one now \:rolleyes: Take care TIFA

weirdfaerieJan 7, 2007

(The different entries are because I keep going and coming back hehe I'm meant to be doing some artwork and not be on TSr!) I know you also love Tatu like me. Which song do you like best and what other musicpeople do you enjoy? I hope you create some more things for TS2 soon! I love the items you've done so far. Especially the Sailormoon things \:D \:D \:D I love SM hehe I wish I could get the manga from somewhere... But I have the first series on dvd \:\) SM was what introduced me to the joys of japan oh so many years ago now. Now I love anything to do with the country \:D Take care Tifa!!

weirdfaerieJan 7, 2007

Yay I am pleased you don't think I have a split personality \:\) And it is really great to think we have stuff in common \:D Um I love the RPG type computer games, ones that have a heavy anime influence usually. My favourites are KingdomOfHearts and I have just become addicted to Starocean which is very mecha like. i actually play them all with my elder sister. We take it in turns to do bits and can sit in front of the console for hours and hours. Its lots of fun doing it together \:D I reeeally want to get final fantasy. But my sis isn't that keen. I guess I will end up having to play that on the tele in my bedroom if I can't persuade her \:\) What sort do you like? I also play other less japanesey ones. For christmas I got a pirates of the carribbean one, and my sis has just preordered one set around sprites and faeries. I like them if they have lots of different aspects to it, with puzzley things to work out \:\) Tifa

weirdfaerieJan 7, 2007

hehe Thankies for the two GB entries \:D I just spoke to you on vividmiss' GB too ehehehe Make sure you do keep at the poetry! I look forward to reading more of it soon \:\) Take care Tifa

weirdfaerieJan 7, 2007

Oooh I think it is fact! My Mum writes poetry, shes actually had a lot of it published in books. My ex also wrote poetry, and another ex wrote songs so I think I know what I am talking about \:P Your poetry is really really good. If you keep at it you will get even better \:D \:D \:D Take care girlie, Tifa

weirdfaerieJan 6, 2007

I'm not too good at writing poetry though I don't really try. I prefer drawing to express my feelings \:\) But I've always loved poetry and song lyrics. You seem incredibly talented \:D I hope things start looking up for you soon \:confused\: Take care Tifa

weirdfaerieJan 5, 2007

Hello! I hope everything is okay with you Serge \:D I haven't been around the sims community for a while either. It's been rather hectic my end but thankfully it is all sorted now. By the way well done for being an awarded artist!! It is my dream to one day be a FA here \:wub\: I guess thats the dream of everyones \:D hehe Oh and I love the poetry on your "about me" \:\) Take care Tifa

weirdfaerieJan 4, 2007

Just thought I would drop by Serge to see how you are! I wish you good luck in 2007 \:\) Take care Tifa

manuela55Dec 12, 2006

Thanks for taking the time to sign my guestbook. Its very nice. sory my englis is so bad .Thanks again to sign my guestbook.

srgmls23Nov 28, 2006

Hello\:D Thank you very much for the wonderful comment of my (robo)am glad you like it\;\) Sorry for my late answer \:o

gokusanxnNov 19, 2006

oh.. hello^^ sorry that ...i'm signing a little late^^;.. gomen,gomen^^; ..I'm glad that u like my shots Red rose's hair is from peggy and hat from modthesims2^^ \:\)

chibiserenity1Nov 9, 2006

you are the absolute master of sailor moon outfits!! do you plan on making the rest of the senshi? i think it'd be awesome to make an eternal or super sailor moon. thanks so much for having the brains to use the wonderful mesh!! hoping to see more good sailor items from you!\:D

ticticc13Nov 4, 2006

Thanks so much for signing my gb re my screenies. ^__^ I greatly appreciate it. ^__^ You have cool creations as well! Definitely checking it out.

anicade88Oct 28, 2006


weirdfaerieOct 26, 2006

Just thought that I should return the grins \:D \:D \:D Sorry I hadn't done so any sooner I've been unwell \:\)

coolstuffinOct 15, 2006

Your comments are always welcome, I see you also commented on other two of my screenshots, it was very nice of you. It's helpful to know how other people interpret the meaning of a capture.\:\)

coolstuffinOct 15, 2006

Hi! Thanks for posting a comment on my screenshot (Swan Lake). It represents a scene from the ballet where the black and white swan fight and the third person is just a part of the cordeballet.\:D You have some very cool screenshots, btw.\:\)

SMS2000Oct 15, 2006

Thanks for the comment \:\)

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