Seth Anderson #27 (1670372)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (4 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Country Shed
Published Sep 2, 2007
About Me
Hey, I'm Seth. I live in Atlanta, Georgia. I like girls, basketball, and of course, THE SIMS. I am a skilled house builder, so if you have requests, let me know.
*Creations Coming Soon*
My Guestbook Show All
foxysenseiAug 06, 2007
hehe - don't we all spend sooooo much time on TSR? thanks for signing my guestbook.
tamlfraJul 24, 2007
Hey seth, I just today saw the question you left on my RIP screenshot... To get gold headstones, your sim needs to have met their lifetime want, and be in permanant platinum state. GL
cariadbachJul 16, 2007
Hi thanks for commenting on my Deep Sea Diving screen shot- Keep safe and happy- Jane