Shafuraa (2387090)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (3 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Retro Modern House
Published Jun 21, 2011
About Me
I do whatever I feel like doing and sometimes I feel like doing whatever. Inspirations comes from anywhere and anything, you just got to be ready when it comes. Always carry a notepad, pencils and an eraser wherever you go. Being cryptic is the best solution to any questions. No one can ever say you were wrong, nor can you admit you were right. Sitting on the fence is the best way to go. Literally sitting on a fence can be very painful. Can be cause some fence are actually sit-able unless it is an electric fence. If you are in the vicinity of electric fences, look for dinosaurs. A boy can survive an electric fence that is meant to keep dinosaurs in Jurassic Park. You won't be so lucky though. Don't try unless you want to come home in a box looking like an overcooked sausage and smelling like the bacon everyone forgot they had in the oven. Don't even try to understand this description. Nod and walk away. Just walk away...