Shahriar32Starline (2239832)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (10 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Ramsar Villa 1
Published Nov 16, 2008
About Me
Hi there!My name is Shahriar and I think I'm the only Iranian who is registered on the site,I THINK,OK!I haven't played the game for ages and I'm afraid that I might lose the good sense I had when I played The Sims.Then again,I may still have my good Build-the-Building sense,which means I might build,upload and publish my other buildings that I have in mind,so be WAITING,OK!
Update: December, 2016
Well I'm back after 6 years!
I've decided to keep my original Bio as it was written something like 8 years ago! In the same few months I joined TSR!
Enjoy my current creations that have been uploaded 8 years ago, though I'll try to upload more later on.
Cya guys!
My Latest Updates Show All
What should I play!Written Aug 14, 2009
Hi there!I'm very happy and glad that I have The Sims 3,but the question is what should I play?I allready got The Sims 2 and 1 but I'm stuck on playing wich game,they're all good games and I can't choose what to stick to!I really need your help to tell me wich ones better!Thank you very much for reading this.Shahriar. ...More
Still no sign of Iranians!Written Feb 28, 2009
Hi!With all that days of seaching the site I still haven't found another Iranian!I'm starting to think that I am the only Iranian in the site!If any one out there has found an Iranian like me,please let me know!I'll thank you you alot!Thanks again, *Shahriar* ...More
My Guestbook Show All
eviDec 05, 2016
wellcome back!
laivine_erunyauveMay 25, 2010
Hi Shahriar. Thanks for your good wishes. I have indeed retired. I no longer have the time to build and submit creations, but I will still visit TSR. Laivine
hatshepsutMay 18, 2010
Hi and thank you for your kind words in my guestbook and the lovely comments on my creations, I hope you have a lot of fun with them