Sims2Decorator (2553707)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (4 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Gothic-themed Hearts
Published Aug 8, 2009
About Me
I've been playing the Sims 2 since a while after it came out & I've played the Sims 3 since the day it came out. I must say I love both games equally, and I do play both
I still have to learn everything about the Sims 3, but I am 100% confident with #2!
I'm starting downloading very soon!
I planned on making wallpaper & flooring for the Sims 2, until I discovered homecrafter doesn't work with Vista! So I learnt how to make Patterns for the Sims 3! I have only just started, and so I'm getting better!
I make patterns on Photoshop and then save & upload to TSR!
My Guestbook Show All
irene_busyAug 02, 2009
Hy again ! Thanks for commenting on my 'Hello' screenshot. Happy simming
irene_busyAug 01, 2009
Hy! Thanks for the compliment . That's how it all began to me too, I started downloading too and then started creating . Happy simming
PeachKrysieAug 01, 2009
Hey! I wanted to thank you for your comment on my Square Necked and my Satin & Plaid. I thought the sims needed something that would be versitile for any bottoms...hence Square Necked. I'm happy that you liked them both. Have a great weekend. -Krysie