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SimsBarbie's Guestbook

eviMay 16, 2007

Goodmorning! Thanks so much for your comments on my stationary\:\) I am glad that you liked them. See you around\;\)

drewsolteszMay 14, 2007

Hi, Thanks for reading and commenting on "The Best Years" I really do appreciate it!!\:\) Got a lot of positive comments about Fred, I usually delete characters after I am finished a story, not Fred! LOL!!!\:D

eshuffMay 10, 2007

thank you! I've got a subscription to simchic, but I don't think I ever looked at the hair. that does look promising! I really like the one at rosesims, but I used it once on another character and got a big loud boo from lots of people. Don't understand why. I'll try also took a look at the options, but couldn't find anything. It is very nice of you to help me out like this -- I'm not used to it! a lot of the people on TSR seem very competitive or something. anyway, I really appreciate it! The eyes I used for Tony are by serasim -- the shape was perfect; too mineral green, should have more gray, but too late to change that. -- Beth

LIUBlueJeansMay 10, 2007

Hi SimBarbie...glad you like my stories. Sadly Jerrika and her four grey babies are lost forever in cyberworld. The kiddies all reached childhood, growing up well, and were starting school when my hard drive died, taking all my Simmies with it. I'm starting over with new Sims now.

tony9sbtMay 10, 2007

"Would you say your eyes are like Sim Tony's? Long time ago i've tried making a Sim me, but I swear it never comes out right." Yeah, those are my eyes. Maybe the color is a little off -- not by much though. think I got girl eyelashes there too, which I don't have. that's about it. why -- what's wrong with them? sure you could make it come out right. just don't try to make it look like someone you don't look like. Can't get my girl to do one either, so you're not the only one. I'm kind of a freak of nature. Makes it easier to make a sim that looks like me. -- Tony

eshuffMay 10, 2007

The hair I wanted had some really strange mesh issues. When I made Rafe sit down, the hair floated up in the air. I've been looking all over the place to find something comparable -- didn't want him to have wavy hair -- but the search has been completely unsuccessful so far. I love that widow's peak hair line in the front -- I'm sure you know what I mean -- but I just cannot find anything like that with long hair. If you have any suggestions, ideas, I'd love to hear them!

tony9sbtMay 10, 2007

I'm flattered. Beth does the heavy lifting on the writing -- I just tell her where she's going wrong. I keep messing with the avatar since I want one that looks the most like me. This shot -- now that's about right. Big nose and all. You'd know me with this one if you saw me on the street, except for the hair. My hair is already a lot longer than that, but, she's got the game to deal with. Got a look at the dolls you got there. didn't even know they were dolls when I first saw them. Impressive! How'd you do that? -- Tony S.

tony9sbtMay 10, 2007

since I've got a personal interest, thanks for the comment on eshuff's guestbook about Tony, since that's my self sim (yeah, I check it once in a while -- now come on, can you blame me). maybe I should grow my hair, you think? you don't know how funny it is for me to look at this stuff. appreciate it though. -- Tony S.

JronMay 9, 2007

Thank you for your comment regarding my Black Glamour. I really apreciate it. \:D

eshuffMay 9, 2007

I'm still playing around with his hair. There are two more shots out there now if you want to take a look. I think I like this hair better, plus there was a problem with the mesh on the other one.

eshuffMay 8, 2007

LOL, no the "faint maker" is Tony's son Rafe, young adult version. My preview.

drewsolteszMay 3, 2007

Hi!! Just want to thank you for the lovely comment on "Princes of Darkness", I truly appreciate it! I have a new love story posted, 'The Best Years', would be honoured if you read it!\:wub\:

eshuffMay 3, 2007

I do like having beautiful men in my story! Thanks for noticing and letting me know that you noticed!

eshuffMay 1, 2007

Thanks again for leaving such a great comment on my Tony story! I do enjoy making his life miserable, poor thing! \:D Like you, I really appreciate it when people post shots that show the outside, the city or neighborhood, buildings and plants.

Simlover4evaMay 1, 2007

I started over imdeitly because I wanted to play it really bad becaude I have not played for weeks! I also wanted to see if some of my neighbor hoods got saved, but no. I had one of my familys make over 100,000! This just really stinks. I'm sure I'll adapt though.

Simlover4evaApr 30, 2007

Well I got the celebration stuff pack. I installed it and then I went to go play it and when my game opened up I saw that my whole game got erased! So all my hard work I did went down the drain. I was devestated, and all my aunt said to comfort me was "aww thats to bad!" I guess thats the kinda answer I shouls expect from a non sim player though. \:\(

drewsolteszApr 29, 2007

Hi! Thanks for leaving a comment on my "Early Arrival" screenshot...glad you found it funny!!\:D

Simlover4evaApr 28, 2007

I've been good and no I have not got the latetest stuff pack. Have you?\:D

gatomurphyApr 26, 2007

Hi SimsBarbie, Thank you for downloading my opal vases and for taking the time to leave me such a kind comment. Forgive me if I’ve taken a while to reply. My husband is very ill and it is difficult for me to check in to TSR as often as I would like. Sincerely, Sandy\:\)

blueclarity25Apr 25, 2007

Hi! Thanks so much for reading my story "The Joy of Painting" and leaving such a kind comment. I truly appreciated your feedback+ story suggestions! Thanks for sharing your insights into the characters and I'm really glad you liked it. I just finished Part 2 and it will be up very soon. Have a great week -Clarity p.s. I love the Barbie pics on your profile. You have an incredible collection!\:\)

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