Simyoolayter (2039356)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (33 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Odd Stockings for an Odd Sim
Published Mar 11, 2010
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (6 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

3 brm Starter Home
Published Aug 17, 2008
About Me
Welcome to Simyoolayter's page.
Please feel free to browse what is available, and leave comments if you wish.
My profile says I've been around a little while, but I have made few submissions. As such, some submissions may miss the mark. If you like something, please feel free to make a comment. If you dis-like something, then you could always PM me - that way I can't delete your comment .
Spelling and grammar errors will be fixed, but not usually in item titles as someone might just try searching for the item under its original name. Its unlikely, but someone might just try it.
My Guestbook Show All
simsjeanieDec 21, 2010
Dear Simyooolayter, just in fact you visit here again, I want to say I wish you
a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Have a
great time and may all your wishes come true! Hugs from
Jeanie, leaving some x-mas cookies at your doorsteps ... for you and for Santa
olcia_olivineaMay 06, 2010
Hi thanks for commenting my creations, I hope you will enjoy it in
your game Happy Simming! Ola
simsjeanieApr 03, 2010
Dear Simyoolayter, have a wonderful Easter time and may your Easter bunny hide a lot of delicious Easter eggs for you! I leave one on your doorsteps, too! Lots of hugs from Jeanie.