SmileyMusicEmo (4569177)
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TeleophobiaDec 11, 2012
I hope you realize that the reason the hair is not the same on Saya is because she doesn't come with it. If you want the hair, you'll have to go download it.
SmileyMusicEmoAug 29, 2012
Hallo und willkommen in meinem G�stebuch. Ich spezialisiere mich haupts�chlich aufs downloaden, hihihi ;P! Vielleicht werde ich in Zukunft ein paar Sims hochladen, Kleidung und Frisuren eher weniger, weil ich dieses Programm nicht downloaden will, womit man diese Sachen kreiert. Wie du sicher gemerkt hast, spreche ich deutsch und Englisch ;D
Hello and welcome to my TSR Guestbook. I don�t create anything. I only download things ;P Sorry, for my bad english, because I go to school and I am 13 years old and learn english. I want to upload some Sims in future. Maybe I download the 3D-programme and create something.
Ray_SimsAug 22, 2012
Hii Thank you so much for comment on my sims Rey
I used clothes from expansion Late Night and Generations ^^