Smoesie (4404881)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (1 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Villa Color
Published May 10, 2012
About Me
Hi! My real name is Jaro and I live in Belgium. I'm born in 1998, so I'm 14 years old. My hobbies are drawing and sitting behind my computer.
I also have a website about The Sims 3:
My Guestbook Show All
BuffSummFeb 12, 2013
***Kitchen Nautilus Tableware*** sorry for the error - it is fixed now and the set is free. I hope you are not that much angry with me. Greetings, BuffSumm
RedCatDec 07, 2012
Hii Jaro Thank you sooooo much for your nice comment!! Have a nice day
FlovvJun 26, 2012
Thank you so much for the lovely comment! Have an awesome week!