SorianoL1980 (1646967)
About Me
Hello Everyone
I am from the deep south state of Florida, I live in the biggest party city Miami and I love the aims. I have been a simoholic for 9 years and it all started because of a cellphone I purchased which had a cheese 2D version of the game that I couldn't put down. I love all the selections and creative of those who share their creation online and hope to upload some of my work with further skill and time. Its a great hobby and an even funnier addition ( you cant put the Sims anywhere but your brain). IF you check out my page, please let me know about your pages any new stuff you, a friend or a favorite artist might be featuring. Cant wait to download everything ! MORE SUPER NATURE STUFF ( the creatures not the show) We need some true blood, zombies and kick ass magic stuff ( not just the POTTER).
My Guestbook Show All
ekinegeJun 09, 2011
Hi! Thank you for your lovely compliment in my guestbook. I'm very glad you enjoy them. Have a great day.
Nea-005May 29, 2011
Hi Thank you for your nice compliment in my guestbook It really means a lot to me Thank you
MajikGoldyMay 29, 2011
Hi and Thanks so much for signing my guestbook And for the wonderful comment