SparkynGirl (976490)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (15 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Lime Green Poodle Skirt
Published Sep 30, 2005
About Me
I'm a full time mommy of 2 with a new lil one on the way. I'm a busy lady but in between t-ball, kiddo/mommy time and running around like a chicken with my head cut off I love to play SIMS. Every new expansion is on reserve as soon as I'm able to do so. Hubby says I love SIMS more than him....hmmmmm...maybe just today. LOL
My Guestbook Show All
elkeJan 03, 2008
Hi, thanks for nice message on my guestbook I love WoW as well (obviously).
I'll be making more creations for WoW as Sims and WoW are my two favorite games too!
What server are you guys on?
I have a 66 Blood Elf mage on Dark Iron.
Lady DarkFireMay 10, 2006
Hello SparkynGirl! Thank you so much for taking a moment to read my Saijin Moon story. I really appreciate it and thank you for the compliment. I'm happy you like it. ^_^
mooseydoomMay 01, 2006
Hey! Thanks for signing my guestbook and looking at my pic I got alien babies from a hack - I think it's on - that gives you a higher chance of being abducted by aliens from stargazing, and also allows females to get pregnant from it. I did have to cheat to get twins from it though...