Stella Nera (3169689)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (4 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Dynamic soul
Published Feb 3, 2015
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PaogaeMay 26, 2015
Ciao tesora! Grazie mille per il tuo commento sui miei quadretti, spero che ti piacciano in gioco! ......... e per quanto riguarda il fatto di condividere case di TS4 ... beh, dovresti! Un bacione ed un abbraccio!
NisukiMar 14, 2015
Hello there Stella! It's nice to meet you too, thank you for your kind message! I'm sorry for the late reply though.. I've been busy so I can't keep up with being active on TSR... I try to check on it sometimes though.. Anyways, you're very welcome! I see you've just a few lots, but they're really amazing =O ! And thank you very much! I'm glad you're amazed by my creations hehe.. but I wish I could create nice lots..... ... I can't... decorate that well... hahahaha XD! I hope you're having a beautiful day! Bye!
PaogaeOct 05, 2014
Ciao Cri, grazie a te! E' un onore vestire le tue simme! Bacioni e abbracci!